The Soul of a blind, deaf, noseless, tongueless person

Before I pose my question, let me establish that we all agree our sense, or feeling of conciousness, our soul, is in our head (not like its all fake imaginative, but it exists in our skull, like it is physically there). For example, if you think of where your soul is, your essense, your being, I think we all feel it is centered around the head (like when I think of where my true self is, I imagine and feel it above my eyes, not in my feet). Here’s my question, where does a deaf, blind, person without a tongue or a nose, a person who depends souly on touch, feel his soul/existance is? Would it be his hands? Which hand? His entire body? Or even the head? Would they even be able to know? I hope this post gets lots of discussion. Thanks,


First of all, I don’t think you’re soul is physically there at all. You say you think it resides in your skull, but I think your brain and your soul are two completely seperate things. I think what you might be talking about is your area of awareness, and I’ve never really thought about it’s connection to the soul but that’s kind of interesting. Anyway my opinion, I don’t think it truly resides in any one place. For example, it’s true when your thinking, it feels like it’s in your head just behind your eyes or something. But when you feel an overpowering love for something, it sort of feels like it’s centered somewhere around your chest, doesn’t it? And if you notice when you’re concentrating hard on what something feels like, it’s somewhere in your fingertips. You know in some meditation its practice to actually shift your center of awareness to different parts of your body, like your big toe or something. What I’m saying, if that made any sense, is that a blind deaf tongueless persons “soul” can reside anywhere a normal persons can, I guess. Good question.

i think this belongs in an already ongoing discussion about the soul…

Argument in favour of the soul topic.