Competition Rankings for December


Bump me up one more, I’ve got three in total for December.


Another! :content:

(add another)
only 33 more to tie woo!

Bump me up to 7. I had my first LD that did not end in an FA in my room 10 secs later. :wink:

Anyway, I’m a bit dissapointed by my progress during christmas vacation, I expected to have at least one LD every night. Because, in school weeks I have one LD every friday and saturday night.

Bump me up 3 LD’s

LD + 3

Total LD = 39

Two more for me :cool_laugh:

Still stuck at 9… been dry lately, but I feel it coming on tonight?

Am I dreaming right now?
Yes I am and I am aware.
I will remember this dream when I wake up.

Bump me up 2 LD’s

LD + 2

Total LD = 41

Bump me up one time. :razz: My lucid dreams are decreasing again now. :razz: At least it has broken my previous months of dry spell.

Total LD: 16

Holy smoke! Lucidity_Master is doing very well. Congrats. :smile:

3 more, up to 21. I am getting consistent again! :tongue:

1 more, up to 7 now. Though it was brief again.

Very brief moment of lucidity this morning. Almost not worth mentioning, but alas… here I am…

please add 1 for a total of 10 for Dec.

2 more LDs for me, for a total of 9 LDs

one more last night

One more this night, so I’m up to 8 for December now…

had 1 last night, bump me up 1 for december, puts me at 4.

I had other LD like two nights ago… so put me up to 17 total now. :content:

Had two more this morning, both very short ones as I forgot to stabilize them before exploring.

I also had a ND afterwards in which I was on this forum, and I tried to log in using “dream-me” as my username :content: .
I guess that should have been a clue that would make me realize I was dreaming, but I just smiled and remembered that my username was Moonhunter instead.

Another for me, up to 22.

Still two night to go here, so I’ll join too :content:
Twelve LDs so far, with eight LDs the last seven days. Count me in! :happy: