HowStuffWorks about sleep

What do you guys have to say about this? Is all the facts straight? Do you agree with everything they say about this topic or can you find any flaws?
As a non-expert it’s rather hard for me to tell, so I am asking you guys and girls. Please comment whatever you agree and/or disagree with.
It could be a nice discussion :smile:.

That part I can agree with. During an assignment in psychology, we had to make a dream journal and analyze them. Interestingly, one of my dreams had the line “Hope its not more than 4 pounds” Alone not very significant. But the previous day in physics we did a problem involving tension and the max weight of a fish that could be lifted by the fishing line. The answer was . . . 4.

The article was mostly dumbed down. The article didn’t mention the sleep cycles. The closest it came was saying the brain gave random electric blah blah blah in 90 minute intervals. If you weren’t looking for it you’da never found it.

And saying people sleep with their eyes closed. How naive. I often find my brother ‘asleep’ with his eyes open. Scares the hell outta me. Must be a side effect of the . . . disorders or the medicines.