Learn dutch website

nope :grin:

the woman - DE vrouw
the man - DE man
the lady - DE dame
the gentleman - DE heer
the girl - HET meisje
the boy - DE jongen

see? doesn’t make sense whatsoever :neutral:

I heard that it’s best to learn De with noun so you memorize them.

Anyways, I love Dutch. It’s fun studying Dutch. :smile: I’d love to help you out with the website, but unfortunately I have my own projects to work on. :confused: Good luck though. I know you will do a fine job on it! :biggrin:

Ok English has it’s flaws too… :content: I know, but it sooo easy to learn :wink: but well thats mostly because working with computers/playing games, movies/tv etc. is like 90% in english so it’s all around you and before you know u speak it :wink:

Just warning you :tongue: I still think it is very hard to learn, the best way should be just to live here and learn from your experiences or something, but still there are many people who fail in doing this in Holland.

Offcourse it’s a good thing to learn other languages, i dont mean to offend anyone at all :smile: Although i doubt the number of new oppertunities you’ll get when you speak dutch. Offcourse there will be some, but I think with another language there are so many more possibilities, just not enough people speak dutch at all.

For instant German. It is something like dutch, but I think it’s easier to learn ‘from scratch’ and in Germany itself there are not many people who do speak english, or another language at all. Take TV for instance, all english spoken movies are synchronized to their own language.
So i’d say it’d be more usefull to know German and English, same goes for French actually,

But well… I’m just kinda fed up by Dutch myself i guess… on the other hand i’ve been interested in the Swedish language for some time too, which probably isn’t very usefull too but it just sounds cool… totally love it :happy:

Good luck with learning Dutch, and makig the website! :smile: so again, if u have questions or want to practise, i’m available :wink:

indeed… I remember a friend of me who was just living here for a few years, he always mixed “De” and “Het” up in words like:

the sheep - het schaap
the horse - het paard
the cow - de koe
the cat - de kat
the rabbit - het konijn

I wouldn’t want to learn to remember all these words :cry: :tongue:

You can already spell better than me!

Do you think so? or is this some kind of cynical joke? :tongue:

No really. Mind you, I can’t spell in french either. I’m destend to ever be bad at spelling.

Ah right…
I suck at dutch grammar :tongue: there is this “dt rule” which says on which word you have to use a “d” “t” or both (dt) at the end of a word. And I keep doing this wrong just because I dont care :bored: I can learn the rule, but when i’m just typing/writing I wont think of it so I keep making the mistakes :cry:

I aint good in French either… :eek: for me it’s hard to learn I think, the only thing I find easy to learn are all the words in it which are very close to the English ones :wink:

Wat? Dit is niet het Nederlandse forum? :eh:

en stam +t

toch niet zo moeilijk?

Tsja, moet het er maar eens goed instampen ofzo, ik denk er nooit bij na en maak daar veel fouten mee. (Ik gebruik nooit dt, d of t doe ik op gevoel wel goed, maar dt niet dus)

That is why we want to learn some Dutch…you could be saying anything :tongue: :cool_laugh:

dt is niets anders dan de stam +t van een woord dat toevallig op een d eindigt.

lopen -> ik loop, jij loopT
worden -> ik word jij wordT :smile:

ezelsbruggetje: als je het niet zeker weet vervang dan het werkwoord door ‘lopen’ en als je dan “loopt” zegt is het dus wordt.

loop jij -> word jij
loopt hij -> wordt hij

moogle: ja we zeggen heel veel geheime dingen, eigenlijk over de geheime take-over van het forum door de nederlanders… pas op, we zijn overal! :peek:

Are all the posts in this forum turning into Dutch? Should I do a RC? :help:

here are some sites where you can learn dutch online:




gnomjas.nl/html/dutch/ <- dutch online grammar course


veel plezier :smile:

thanks Q! I think I better know some for surfing on this forum…
I can see it translated…
"Woah, Charlotte’s so crazy! We should stalk her down and throw eggs at her house :smile: "

I better get a dutch Crash corse!

I mean what’s this???
Quote—> ja we zeggen heel veel geheime dingen, eigenlijk over de geheime take-over van het forum door de nederlanders… pas op, we zijn overal!

All I see is “Take-Over”!

Lol, I’ve been looking at the site’s…
Mijn naam is Charlotte.
Ik ben Vijftien. Ik dans.
de soep is

Yes, the soup IS warm :smile:

I really have no idea what I’m saying. But this is fun :smile:

Yes, thanks for these useful links. :happy:

I noticed that if you read Dutch without knowing there alphabet, it sounds like backwards english. He, he (no offense).

Okay, dictionary.com’s (just found it and im using it to find out what these damn Dutch are saying MUAHAHAHA!)
translation is as follows:

Either that translator isnt as great as it claims to be, or :confused:tupid:

LOL Nice translation Neo :wink:

Seems like you didn’t find a few words… Lemme help you:

moeilijk = difficult
tsja = well… (it’s a short word like when you say “uhm…” or “oh well…”)
ofzo = or something
“ik denk er nooit bij na en maak daar veel fouten mee.” = I do it without thinking and I make lots of mistakes with that. (I’m not even sure if this is proper English :smile: )
dus = so

It should make some sense now :wink: