Abortion. Your thoughts?

it was never edited, I read it before anyone reply and it has stayed the same.

I thought it was well worded and thought provoking, with only about 2% humor.

Glad to see you drop by again Davion. :smile:

I am not fond of the idea. If you don’t want to have kids, use a dam condom or something. I’m not discouraging sex cause i like to screw my friends. I would never want my gf or wife or whoever to have an abortion, but I don’t really care if anyone else does it, that’s their choice. The government has NO RIGHT to tell people if they can or can’t have an abortion. They also have NO RIGHT to keep same sex marriages illegal. In the United States, based on equality and all that, two people that love each other STILL can’t get married if they are the same sex. It’s the year 2004, the united states has been around for like…300 years(not sure). When will discrimination end? Never. Abortion is not really discriminated against, it’s just questioned, the government is getting to involved in peoples personal lives. They are their to protect us and to help keep us free, not to mold our lives to their ideas.

Protect who? The people and children? Abortion is the opposite of “protection” and “freedom.” What freedom does that child have? The child is murdered and stripped of it’s freedom and choices. That’s why abortion should be illegal. It’s murder on the same scale as the holocaust.

Murder has been and should always be illegal. I think the government has every right to enforce laws that prohibit murder.

It isn’t a child, a fetus isn’t born, it dusn’t breathe. It’s never been alive, so it can’t die.

I am officially blind then :neutral:

Well it is “alive” in some sense, but I still dont think its murder, not to say that it is an act greatness either. My thoughts, are that the fetus at that point does not have a soul or conscience. If you think that is murder than what about wearing a condom? or masturbation? You could take it so far as to say that not impregnanting every woman you see is murder a million times over. I dont think that a being has a soul or whatever until it can at least think. A baby can’t even remember things until it is around 8 months old. Killing a fetus to me is like the equivilent of killing an insect, or a fish, or almost any other type of animal. It basically runs purely of instict and reaction (now the question of is that just what we do is a totally diffrent subject…)
So of course abortion isn’t a great thing, but I find it to be the appropriate thing is some situations.

Disturbing as that image might be, it doesnt really prove anything. The same thing happens with a tick. Fighting back is a natral reaction that almost all living things have. Once again though, that doesnt mean its a great thing.
All I’m saying that abortion ISN’T the same as murder in the way I think of it. Those are my thoughts, not trying to impose them on you, just stating them.

EDIT: The ISN’T in the second to last line was a “is” lol

Ok, so we agree then. Abortion is murder. Unless that is a typo.

If it was a typo; comparing a fetus to a tick, insect or fish is a really radical statement. The world’s most premature baby was born at only 4.5 months old. Against all odds and doctor’s claims that baby boy named “James” survived. Children in the USA are aborted at that age.

Sex with condoms or masturbation alone will never result in producing another life form.

It’s not born because it’s torn from the womb and murdered. It has a heartbeat and requires oxygen. Actually, The instant that it becomes a zygote it requires oxygen.

lol. HUGE TYPO. “Sex with condoms or masturbation alone will never result in producing another life form” Neither will abortion. I meant it in the sense that it isn’t a life but only a potential life.

But it is life! How could you claim it’s not alive?

Using contraception is a method of preventing the initiation of life, whereas abortion is the method of killing the already existing (and perhaps accidentally initiated) life.

smacks head What’s wrong with people? :confused:

Ugh, you dont understand. We established that it is literally alive. I’m saying it doesn’t have a consciousness and so I dont find it to be “alive” alive. It is the potential of a thinking human being, but at that point it is not.
smacks Ath’s head What’s wrong with people :confused:

It is for sure life, but no more life than a brainless plant/tree… I think it is only wrong if it had developed consciousness, which an early fetus lacks…

Neo, I do understand your position. It’s exactly the same as mine, as I stated way back at the beginning of all this. I just felt you weren’t very clear when you said “IT IS NOT LIFE”. Which you did, several times. That’s all.

Okay, gotcha.

My post was not a joke, but instead an illustration of the absurdity and intellectual dishonesty of those who support things such as abortion and euthenasia.

I believe that all life is precious. I even stopped hunting many years ago because I believe that it is wrong to kill any animal for pleasure alone.

But if you read my post, think HARD about what I’m saying, and decide for yourself based on LOGIC whether or not it would not be a consistent argument for an evolutionist who is intellectually honest.

How many times have we heard “survival of the fittest”? Or is that statement only an axiom when it’s convenient?

Does anyone understand what I’m trying to say?

Just thinking, is anyone else here against abortions? The way i see it, the killing is bad enough, but why use the most inhumane methods possible? They force the baby to suffer, instead of it dying peacefully. For example, they insert a suction tube into the pregnant woman, then switch it on, and it sucks the baby up alive, pieces being ripped off, until only the head is left, which is crushed with forceps then pulled out! I don’t care what anybody says, that is a HORRIBLE way to go!

Hooolyy sh*t :bored:
I never knew that there was a method like THAT :eek:

That’s the method that I know of, but nevertheless, a am pro-choice. It is pretty horrible, and I would never ever want to see an abortion happen, but I feel that it is a woman’s right.
Also, if it is a full term abortion, these women are not getting abortions because they changed their mind, they are getting them because there is a serious threat on the women’s lives if they have the baby.

Not necessarily. Some people have abortions, simply because they do not want a baby yet. Or because they don’t have the money to look after the child, but the most common is that they don’t want a baby, over 90% of people, in fact. Also, there are many other types of abortion. Most of them have info that could be found on the internet. In fact, for any abortion info, i would reccomend www.abortiontv.com which tells you everything you could want to know. Except the stuff i need for my RE essay. dammit.

I definitly am pro choice, but if I were in a situation where I was faced with having an abortion done, I couldn’t do it. I would consider adoption as an alternative.

90% of total abortions I can believe, but 90% of third trimester abortions? When people have an abortion that late, it’s not about deciding you don’t want it.