My first LD. Advice for more?

I used to think that a possible dreamsign for me was working at Taco Bell. I dont work at Taco Bell. I did for a few weeks, but never got hours …
Anyhow, I am starting to think that my dreamsign is less one thing, but just strange things happening. The first time I became lucid (and the only time) was about three weeks ago. I had a false awakening and began to think about false awakenings. At that moment, I remembered that I had a doctors appointment in a different town in less than an hour. Panicked, I jumped up (I was unable to jump in Real Life due to the sugury) and ran out to my car (somthing else that should have been impossible). Suddenly I was in the car and entering The first stoplight in the town of my appointment. At this time I remembered that I had no insurance on my car at the time, and knew I had to get home. There was no way that I could drive the 40 miles back to the house, so I did the only thing that I could possibly do. I stopped in the middle of the intersection, got out of the car, and folded it under my arm and began the walk home. Nevermind the giant canyon that was on one side of the road (the fake canyon), the first thing that I noticed was that the trafic lights all were strangly changing and the walks all had the little blue man flashing. I thought, ‘wait, I need to put down this car and think about this for a sec.’ I did,a nd after seeing pedestrians that resembled the drones from a videogame citiscape, I became lucid. I tried to fly and just before I did my mother woke me up for the real apointment.
One thing that I felt was, at the attempt of flight, an overwhelming sence of being flooded by what could only be described as endorphins. Is this common for people?
Forgive me for my verbose nature in this message, but this has been my only lucid dream. Is it common for this to happen? Can I get some advice on how to induce more lucid dreams based on the general way I dream?
Any bit would be greatly appriceated. You can even tell me off for making you read such a large message and keeping the point to myself untill the end. I suppose I just wanted to tell others about my dream and thought it was necessary to setting up the point. OK, Now I’m finished.