Competition Rankings For January

Well, one short one. Was talking to Mandy Moore and looked deep in her eyes. Her left eye (I), was an odd color of red. That made me lucid. But I still couldn’t get her to follow me. I remembered to rub my hands for the first time, so that was good. But my recall is not as good as it should be right now and I dont’ remember the next couple minutes before I finally woke myself up somehow.

Anyway… 1 more for me, total of 3.

another one :content:

total = 9 LDs

A short lucid nightmare last night. So 7 in total for this month :smile:

Up to 16 now

8 here

I have 21 now in total.

18 LD’s

I can get in with only one lucid dream? Well, put me up on 1!

Two more which makes 10 in total.

Finally got a lot of sleep (hard week), and two more LDs this morning

I now have 24 in total.

up to 12

Hehe I forgot that I was in this competition…

I’m at 3 now!


Got 28 now.

Had 5 last night! That’s my record!

Got 33 in total now.

Had an LD this night - total is now 3 for January.

I couldn’t tell for sure if this was 2 mini LDs or 1 with some loss of control in between, but damn it sure felt good to get back to lucidity for the first time in a while.

I was talking to my grandmother (deceased) when I noticed how much she also looked like my mom, then I realized it was my mom, and that my grandmother was passed and then she winked at me at the same time that I realized I was dreaming. I think I heard a “shhhhh” and “don’t blink”. That confused me and I lost vision shortly after. Then I was in a different place, my wife was on the floor and there was water rising above her face. I was next to a tub (maybe it was overflowing). I said something to the effect of “You don’t want to drown (die). It’s my dream. WAKE UP.”. Then my vision faded and felt and heard a loud rush sound and I started to merge with the tub and with the space around (similar to a salvia divinorum journey) and whoosh, I hear my alarm and wake up. Good stuff.

Put me down for 1. Total of 4



Raven24 LDs in january: 8

36 now.