Scarry dream resemblence

When I was 8 or so, I had this dream I was at a swimming pool. I can barrley remember any of it now. But it had this block half way to create two pools in affect, although the block could be compressed and decompressed to change the pool size.

So yesterday I went to a party, to go swimming. When I got there I was shocked to see that the entire place was layout as in my dreams. The pool was exactly like it, and when I wached the people there decompress the block, they did it like in my dream.

In my dream the place was brighter (brighter lights) and the pool was slightly larger. (in my dream) when I looked down, the pool was unusually deap. When I got there, the pool was unusually deap. (3.8 m, most are 3.0) Lol, I love coinsedences, or possible a precognition.

I can’t stand the look of those drains. They wobble so vilently around in the water.

techno, we have a pregog dream topic, this one would fit in there exellently. Yes you guessed right, that’s why i now lock this one :uptosomething:

precog topic: