LD musical notes actual notes?

Hello everybody! I can occasionally lucid dream, but I can never control my surroundings, and unfortunately have never become lucid near a piano. I’ve read on this forum about people practicing musical instruments (which is really cool! Is it possible to perfect a piece in several LDs, and then play it flawlessly on your first time while awake?) Anyway, has anyone had a chance to play an instrument in an LD, wake up, and immediately compare it? As soon as I gain lucidity near a piano, I’m going to hit a random key, wake myself up, and rush out to the living room with the note still in my head and compare it.

My main interest is in trying to acquire perfect pitch. Most people claim it’s genetic, but I’m eager to prove otherwise. My reasoning is that if the note in my dream is the same as the real one, then the note is in my head somewhere, and it’s just a matter of learning how to tap that knowledge. But if any of you have compared notes and found them not to be the same, then I fear the sound of a C or G# or something might not be able to be stored in your head. Anyone tried this?

edit: I should add that “perfect pitch” aka “absolute pitch” is the ability (found in about 1 in 10,000 people) to hear a random sound and identify what note it is. For instance, they could hear a squeak from a nail being pulled out and go, "oh, that’s An A# " or something.

First let me say Thanks! :happy:

I’ve been trying to remember a LD I had last night all day, but it’s been really foggy. After reading your post, I remember I was dancing in my LD. Dancing was very fun and very different. I remember it came to me very naturally and new moves flowed from me very rhythmically. I almost felt like a robot. :lol: The patterns of my moves were very … hmmm. … well “patternful!” :smile: and the next step always arrived very fluid like. I never tired or did I ever stop. I continued to dance until the LD ended. :content:

I have practiced piano in other LDs, and this dream was example of the extra level of focus and concentrations on rhythms and patterns. LDs are great times to refine a new skill or idea.

Oh, neat! Well, hm, your welcome!

Absolute pitch on Wikipedia!

Let’s hope there are some absolute pitch, piano playing, lucid dreaming individuals on the forum! This soudns unlikely though…

Perhaps you can leave some note on when you go to sleep. Hopefully you won’t have trouble falling asleep and will hear the note in your dream. That should help.

Yes, it is possible to perfect something in a lucid dream and play it well IRL. I have done this many times. As for notes and such I have always found them to be the same but other people dreams might be different.