1 week till I HACK MY BRAIN.

Sounds Risky. I wouldn’t risk losing Lucidity and screwing up things in my subconcious.

I don’t think that while trying to mess with your brain you would lose lucidity.

but dont you know that it was a false memory?
if you ar elucid, then right along with the memory of the false event, would be your knowledge that it was a false event. So unless you are not lucid (and dont know it is a dream) then how could you selectively tell your mind to remember the event but not the fact that you deliberately did it to create the memory.

of course this happens naturally as in my post with the money in the wallet - when your mind remembers the event but forgets the context in which it happened. Im just wondering how you could reliably, repeatedly forget the context.

That was discussed earlier on in the thread. Pedro gave up on convincing me but he’s still pretty sure he did it.

Is this the first time I’ve mentioned to you that MILD is the one where you give yourself suggestions…?

Maybe it was someone else…

well i’ve heard hypnosis relies on relaying suggestions directly to your subconscious, don’t you think that would be the same thing as telling your subconscious what to do in a dream? Hey, I could be wrong, because I got that from one of the Warp My Mind site’s induction files. By the way does anyone have any good links or suggestions about how to effectively get into hypnosis? I’ve tried but I guess my searching skills stink…

Yes, but hypnosis is still different in many ways. Firstly, the kind of hypnosis I’m talking about is the kind given to you from another person (rather than self-hypnosis). Generally, more time is spent convincing your subconscious to “listen” at the start of a hypnosis session, eg. “you will listen to the sound of my voice” or “you will do exactly as I say”. So it’s generally more effective. And part of it could be the placebo effect - so maybe if you were entirely convinced that it would work in a dream, then it might. Hey, that’s actually quite a good idea - before attempting anything like this, spend some time telling (or asking - politeness costs nothing, you know!) your subconscious that whatever you tell it in a dream, it will do. But most importantly - I get the feeling that mr.Warp My Mind.com doesn’t really know what he’s talking about, so never trust him :wink:

Actually, the filling in of the blindspot has nothing to do with the subconscious - it’s an entirely automatic feature of the visual system. I’ve checked this briefly, and Hilgard’s introduction to psychology happens to agree with me on this one. On the other hand, it probably would be possible to make someone think their blind spot wasn’t being filled in - but that still wouldn’t be the genuine article. I mean, it’s possible for people under hypnosis to think that they’ve gone blind, so why not for them to think that their blind spot is missing?

And my idea for making a permanent blind spot in your dreams - I’ve just realized, if you could manage that it would be a great RC.

I actually registered just to post this, but I figured my two cents might be helpful.

The idea of creating false memories does not seem at all far fetched to me as I have already had a number of false memories due to dreams. I will be performing an action and it will conjure up a memory, and it is only upon closer inspection of the memory that all the inconsistencies with reality become apparent and I realise that it NEVER HAPPENED.

Whenever I realise that the memory is false it tends to disappear. I would imagine that this stems not so much from the noticing, but as from the idea that since it is false it is no longer worth remembering. If the knowledge that the memory is false can be maintained while the idea that it is not worth remembering gotten rid of then the creation of false memories should not be so tough.

After all, you remember your dreams, you just don’t think they are real, all you are doing is telling yourself that an existing memory of a dream happened in reality instead of in a dream.

Please pardom my comma splice, I don’t regularly contribute to anything.

Well, that woke me up pretty well, back to sleep!

Happy dreaming everyone.

I don’t think your sub-c would allow you to mess things up. You might erase a phobia, but you cannot kill yourself. Your sub-c is MUCH MORE powerful than you are as a contous. Or that’s what I beleive.

By blindspot, do you mean the spot in your eye where the optic nerve is. Put to crosses on a peice of paper (small) about 5 cms apart. Cover your right eye and look at the right cross with your left eye. Bring the paper closer to you slowly and you will notice that the left cross will disappear (without directly looking at it, and still looking at the right cross). However, to your amazment, you can still see the whitness of the paper.

A hypnotist cannot make you do anything unless they have tricked you into beleiveing they have full control. Only you can talk to your sub-c. So I think self hypnosis is by far more effective if you beleive it works. The ironic thing is, if you don’t beleive it won’t. But if you beleive it does it will work.

this is some deeep shit, but is it possible i ask?

You can always ask. You might not be answered.

Your next question?

Im just curious did you ever hack your brain? when I get more experience with LD’s im gonna try the same thing.

hmm this seems a little too professional, can you really create new memories and if yes than how do you know with proof and everything that all that you remmeber is a memory and you just cleaned up your computer and deleted the PROOF?
and if you can really tell yourreself to lucid dream without techniques then you are very skilled… i would love that for i have had 1 so far… but hey im waiting for more…

also may i ask if DC are only characters created by your sub conscious mind how come you dont know what they will say? if your mind created them you should know everything abuot them and what tehy will say for you have in the first place thought them up.?..

Can Pedro really do this? Wouldn’t mind being able to change certain bodily feautures or grow other parts :cool_laugh:

A thing that would be possible I think, atleast if he can do this, is change hormone levels in the body, and perhaps even regulate gene expression. After all gene expressions can be altered from hunger, stress and so on, perhaps the brain has parts to do with this.

How nice it would be :happy:

Who needs the proof? There’s no way he can really prove it to anybody but himself anyway. And I’m sure lucidity eventually becomes a habit if we do it enough, just like everything else. I doubt anybody has been lucid every night without EVER doing any technique…

About the DC’s: either they really are real people, or our mind thinks that we shouldn’t know what they’ll say beforehand because we never do in real life either. (my money is on the 2nd one)

Why doesn’t some else do this, what with you people having a bajillion LDs a second.

Because there’s more fun things to do in LDs :razz:

whats more fun for you then? I mean wouldnt you want to master lucid dreaming also?

Well yes I would, but I meant there are more fun things to do than altering my memories :tongue:

ok yah, i have pretty cool memories anyway so i wouldnt want them altered

ok yah, i have pretty cool memories anyway so i wouldnt want them altered