Myers-Briggs -- what's your type?

i·de·al·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-d-lzm)
The act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form.
Pursuit of one’s ideals.
Idealized treatment of a subject in literature or art.
Philosophy. The theory that the object of external perception, in itself or as perceived, consists of ideas.


\Ide"alism, n. The practice or habit of giving or attributing ideal form or character to things; treatment of things in art or literature according to ideal standards or patterns; – opposed to realism.

the other two below these definitions are more of a philosophical view than a practical one, which is not what we’re discussing… please understand what i’m trying to say before you refute it

Ditto. I was responding to the idea that restrictions or boundaries inhibit creativity, as you implied in your illustration.

Let’s just agree to disagree, shall we?

I’m an INFP. Both very idealistic and creative. :smile:

I always thought that idealism was about my ideal view of the world, my ideal view of humans. About how I kept hoping, dreaming and pursuing the goal of making the world around me a bit better, and to bring a smile upon someone’s face if I could. I thought idealism was about having that image of a Utopia in your head, a world society where you would want your great-great-grandchildren to grow up in. I thought idealism was believing in the good of humans despite all of their flaws, to believe in the kindness and love of people. I’ve lost many arguments because I was, quote those that beat me, ‘idealistic’.

I guess a textbook definition changes everything! :wink:

What I mean to say is… definitions can help you. But they don’t dictate your reality… at least not mine. Everything that was invented by humans can be reinvented and altered. Idealism means this and that to me, and it might mean this and that to you. However, I don’t think it’s an absolute term written in the rules of the universe. Then again… maybe that’s a typical INFP point of view, isn’t it?

I tried to take the test but found the first question stumped me. Am I at ease in a crowd… what kind of crowd? A nazi convention? A nudist convention? A music festival? A busy city centre?
When will psychologists realise life can’t be reduced to tick-boxes and people can’t be easily categorised?

Anyway I think lucid dreaming is a skill everyone posseses, as long as they stick to techniques and have the motivation. :smile:

Im ENTJ, dont know how i got that. I mean i thing i answered the questions on how i trully felt, but i was pretty stoned. So the questions seemed a little complicated. I consider myself more introverted, but according to this test im not.

Can’t say I’m surprised.


i’ll look up what these results mean AFTER I do my work. Actually, that’s going to be around 4 hours later, so that means I’ll never look it up…

So far, everyone’s either an NF or an NT. Doesn’t surprise me in the least.

And considering the fact that there aren’t as many NFs and NTs in the population as the other two main types (SPs and SJs), it would appear that N’s (people who are intuitive/abstract thinkers rather than concrete/linear thinkers) are more inclined to LD … or at least tend to be more interested in it.

If anyone scores as an SP or SJ, I’d be interested to know how they got interested in LDs.

Again, I’m not making absolute, scientific statements here … but the observations so far jibe with my predictions.

By the way, that’s “SP” as in “Sensing/Perceiving” in Myers-Briggs parlance, not “SP” as in “Sleep Paralysis.” Just wanted to clarify. :content:

I got ENFJ
Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
11 56 44 1

Just like I did taking a different version of the same test… must be true :smile: Some of the questions were a bit hard. I applied to them in SOME situations, but in others I didn’t…

My type is INFP

Introverted| Intuitive| Feeling| Perceiving
89         | 44       | 56     | 44

Very interesting, I must say.

Another INTP here.

Introverted 89 Intuitive 44 Thinking 11 Perceiving 67

And hopeless introvert, I’m afraid :neutral:

I took the test over and i got ENTJ again, so i decided to read all the crap on it. I gotta say this defined me pretty well, i agreed to most of it. Thats pretty cool how like a stupid test could get somewhere close to making general ideas on what personality type you may be.


I 100 <—wow :eek:
N 56
T 33
P 56

Forgot to post my scores. I’m very strongly INFP, with the accent on F and P…

Introverted: 67
Intuitive: 22
Feeling: 89
Perceiving: 89

Ah, question 66 explains why I always lose the argument: “You think that everything in the world is relative (YES) (NO)” votes YES

It seems I have the INTJ personality type.

Introverted 89
Intuitive 33
Thinking 67
Judging 44


I think it’s correct… read the description made by J. Butt (funny name)


I’m not sure what this has to do with lucid dreaming… but I do like that this test labels my personality as a world leader :cool:

And that i’m only 2% of the population… you know how it goes… unique things are the most valuable…

jk :content: