Space week on Dicovery

For a whole week european Discovery will be screening documents about space.There is one you should see…its actually the series called “Universe” with podtitles like “planets” or “big bang”.
These are unusuall shows.The way they are done and the way they explain the topic is extremelly well.For eyes,for ears,for brains- gotta see it:)

don’t live in europe…maybe i’ll call my friend and get them to tape it and mail the tape to me…or something like that

GODDAMNIT!!! I live in the states too. :cry: I’d love to see it. The mars prob has been in the news alot and its peaking my interest once again in space.

just check it out anyways…maybe its not only european one…i mentioned it just in case but im not sure if they have this shows different where you live:)
good luck