So what do you want us to do?

re Atheist, what you feel in a dream is how your mind (inc subconcious) would expect it to feel. Transforming into a planet doesn’t mean that your sensations are really like they would be were you a sentient planet, but like your mind thinks it would feel like. You can’t possibly get better than that. Same goes for meditation when you change your size to encompass the universe.

I Came up with more cool thingd to do :happy:

1: Dive in to the deepest ocean (marinea deep?)

2: Astral project twice?

Sure, it could still be interesting taking the form of something unconventional like a planet. I was mainly referring to the 3D/4D vision.

Perhaps you would agree that although our visual aparatus has only 2D data with which to work, the brain does construct a perfectly good 3D visual model from the 2D data.
I personally have also experienced creating a somewhat (spacial) 4D visual model within the brain.
I think this would be very interesting stuff to explore within LD’s … and I believe our limits are only the ones we ourselves set.

Sure, but we don’t ‘visualize’ this 3D representation. We simply use it to inform the images of the object or scene when we attempt to render them. We can’t actually ‘see’ or even ‘imagine’ a 3 or 4 dimensional view of anything - it’s an impossibility.

I’d love to see what you mean by this.

Actually, vision is 3d in real-life, unless you only have one eye and are unable to perceive depth.

Just to reach out a bit. Atheist I understand what you mean and agree.

Still, who says fake 4D is not better than real 4D

i read about something that scientists are calling the one hundredth monkey effect. the theory basically suggests that if one member of a species has experinced something, or learned something, the entire species should be able to use their knowledge to their own benefit. in other words:
clears throat
anything you can do, i can do better,
i can do anything better than you.

thank you, thank you

ok if you guys want to talk about the fourth dimension thats cool and all, but couldnt u go do it on another thread? its interesting and all but this wasnt what the original topic was about. im not trying to come off as an asshat but please go make another topic and talk all about 4D there, not here. i get agitated everytime i see another reply to this topic and get all exited just to see that its another post about that 4D stuff.

Lol You funny Blazinfish…heheh funny but right.I cant wait for the response from Ureon so im checking it all the time…hehe and dont get a word what its all about with 3d not mentioning 4d.
All i know are d,dd,and ddd bras

oh Jack, you funny too. You make me laugh.

All i know are d,dd,and ddd bras <–quite humorous. :rofl:

somebody should sig that^ lol

Here’s another thing to try out:

Try, in a dream, to pronounce a language you’ve studied (French, for instance) perfectly and then if it works, see if you’ve become better IRL too!

I’m studying Japanese now and I’m excited about the idea that one perhaps could use lucid dreams to overcome the mental blocks that prevent one from fully learning to speak a language. Because that’s what I really think it’s about. There are people that’ve learned to speak and pronounce a language perfectly as adults. So why wouldn’t we able to? :wink:

I know this may seem a stupid idea, but I’m curios about it. If you hold your breath in an LD consciously, does this stop you from breathing in RL. Would you awaken or would you stand in your dream until you faint in to unconsciously (and involuntrly start breathing again - hopefully).

Is it possible SD. I’m proposing that we actually try it, inviting the whole forum into your dream. This way, if it works, then at leats a few of us will remeber and will be able to report it on the forum. Hopefully the coinsidences will proove or disprove LD. (Does this one belong in the laboratoritory.

Try living in a 2 dimensional world. Can we imagine what this would be like?

Going through the star gate.

Going on a start ship and asking them to explain how it works. Writing everything down when you awake. And then making billlionss in star ship production. Lol.

---- fixing a double post ------

Technodreamer , i like that idea of us all tryin to have a shared dream,. it would be cool if we organize something like that,. cuz imagine if it actualy works

but we would have to plan carefully, cuz different ppl on the forums live in different time zones, so we would have to figure out a time that would be best for everyone, and also figure out if its a certain time in one country, what time it is at the same time in another country,… :bored:

or… juss have it with members that are in the same country.,

Well we wouldn’t have to keep to timezones. If everyone who was an LD proffesional tried to have an SD 3 times each, then who ever is asleep at that time will become lucid. Hopefuly there are enough pros around the world that it would develope into people becoming SLD in groups. Say I was to becme lucid and sd to everyone on the forum. I would also get the dutch forum as well.

So someone say WHEN (for the big SD).
Perhaps it’s not even necessary to actually all be dreaming at the same moment IRL … perhaps in our dreams we can connect across different time?

Hey thats my theory Sruthan. Watch it. :tongue:

Technodreamer, I recently failed in trying to hold my breath in a LD. Note that I was in a similar position in bed in the LD and IRL.

Alright guys, I have a BIG update for later today.

Man, this LD I had during the weekend easily enters among the greatest I’ve ever had. Jack, your dream guide was there, I talked to her and wow. I’m writing this all down now from the rough notes I made when I woke up. It’s complicated, but it was way better than anything I’ve ever done before.

It lasted for what felt like over an hour in real time (longer in dream time of course).

-/edit/- It will be posted in the Dream Diary section later today, a short post here simply can do it justice.

Note also, that however much I might indicate in the post that it all takes place in some form of astral plane I still wholeheartedly believe that LDs are all in your head.

It’s just that so many things are strange in a logical fasion in this dream. The bartender that I talk to seems so human and his behavior is way too linear for a DC, but I guess you will get what I mean when you read the entry.