Competition Rankings For January

are we sure that you can’t skip non-rem periods? i mean, people skip the first 90 minutes of non-rem sleep and go straight into dreams when first going to sleep… so i wouldn’t be surprised if there was some way to skip the middle periods as well.

I have seen that somebody on this forum claimed they switched from REM to NREM while staying in their dream. Supposedly it went a bit duller and stuff. I think they were in REM all the time and couldn’t tell. But that’s just cynical me :content:

I had 3 LDs last night!!!
I kinda feel like pedro :smile:)
However they were all very short and ended up in sleep paralysis…

Raven24 in january: 12 (new record)

The Earth was flat at one point, we were the centre of the uni. Lucid dreaming cant be done. They say it was impossible. And look where we are now.

I do not belive that anything is impossible i just belive that it is hard to obtain.

Pedro, it can be done for i have done it. i have been inside rem lucid and then moved into non rem. still keeping my awareness not my lucidity if you care to take teh diffrence in teh words as i do. Then as i move out of nonrem into rem again i became both aware and lucid.

I have done this once and i do not think it was a freak thing, why dont you try it and see if it can be done.

lol@ odd2k i like that answer :happy:

In time i will have this again when my lucidity picks back up again, until then i can only hope taht you try it and taht others try it even if you are cynical towards it. If we could master this type of lucidity wouldnt that be better then having to wake up?

Ofcourse there may be problems with this, what if it shouldnt be done, waht if our brains are not ment to be able to do this, waht if this is inturpting the natural way of sleep and therefor stuffing our memory/ stop repairing damaged brain cells/ etc depeing on what theory you wish to take.

If it shouldnt be done then i am sure that my body will somehow stop me from doing it as a backup that out brain always has, that is why we faint when we get too much pain. back up shut down. but thi will be a back up force into awake state.

Either way give it a go if you are game, whats there to lose?

TimeLess_Soul, you start off by pointing out how many times people have been wrong. How is that relevant?

Secondly, you cannot be certain within your dream that you have moved from REM into non-REM. You might think, “Well, I’m going to go into non-REM now” and see that everything is duller and less detailed but how do you know that it wasn’t just your subconcious “obliging” and making everything look duller. What you need is to get an EEG or other measurer of REM, then have an REM LD, move into non-REM (or so you think), wait a few minutes, and wake yourself up. Then you can check if there were a few minutes of NREM before you woke up and turned off the EEG/novadreamer/whatever.

As it is, I doubt that you really did move from REM to NREM while remaining in a dream. Have you considered that there was a pause before the NREM dream started where the REM dream left off?

Yeah, put me at 5!

13 here.

Yes, why not trying to stay lucid all night, through every sleep cycle? Lucid sleeping is really much harder than LDing. The only people on this planet who really master the technique are Tibetan sleep yoga buddhists and probably some highly skilled yogi. This sounds like an interesting challenge to me :smile:

One more for me! :happy: This one was longer than my average also… :smile:

72 now.

mystic top stuff :happy:

firstly i show that people who thought that one thing was impossible were in time proven wrong. i show that at one stage people thought that lucid dreaming was a load of crap and couldnt be done for it was impossible to reach such a state. Now look where we are. do you not see the relevence?

Secondly how can you be certain i didnt?

Instead of finding ways on why it cant be done, why not try it first, that is all i am asking and i am very glad that mystic saw what i ment and is raising to the challange :happy:

I can’t be certain either way. But until you can prove that you really were moving from REM to non-REM - and you will need some external recording device (or a friend :wink: ) - then we can’t be certain. In my opinion that’s unlikely so I don’t think it can happen (until you prove it of course!)

8 more LD’s so it should be 22 LD’s in total. A bit better than last month, but I’m going on dry spell again. :tongue:

I didn’t think that 22 LD’s in a month was a dry spell :grin: You should see MY dry spells! (0 LD’s this month :confused:). I guess if you’re the Dream Master of the forum you have certain expectations! Good luck on your lucid dreams!

Hehe, you might be right, but look at other people. :wow: Way ahead of me. I wonder if they have short lucid dreams or how long their lucid dreams actually last. I would like to know that though. :smile:

Anyways, I am hoping to get lucid tonight. :content:

Pffft! I got two LD’s last night!! Three in a month, that’s a personal record for ME. :tongue:

Had one more this morning, but sadly I didn’t reach my goal of at least 10 LDs. Well, I guess I just have to rely on next month.

Finishing at 27 LD’s for January. :cool:

Hey I’ve finished with 77 this month! That’s my record! I think Lucidity Master beat me coz he had 80-something a few weeks ago I think…oh well. Hey DM7, incase you were curious…I mostly have really long LD’s. I used to have short ones but I don’t seem to have them anymore unless I really wanna get out of one or something. All my LD’s seem to be naturally longer now!

Can’t wait to see the final scoreboard thing for this month!

Pedro, I’m just curious, how many LD’s you had per night this month and how long were they (on average)? Thanks :wink:

In case if Lucidity_Master hasn’t noticed… my total LD’s for this month is on my signature below.

Hey DM7. Umm well the most I had in one night this month was 5 which I haven’t ever done before having this little comp with Lucidity Master. The lowest I think was 3…I’m sure I never had 2…

As for length…on average ummm. Well, they were all minutes upon minutes upon minutes…most of them were basically for a full dreamtime obviously depending how long I’ve been asleep though. There was a few where I fell about 5 mins short but not enough to change the average… Dunno if that helps.