Learning how to operate your brain

Recently I have become interested in OBEs, AP, and I have been a long time LDer. Clearly, these things are closely related.

iI have been spending some time in the #ld4all chat talking to people about my practices with the brow chakra (for lack of a better term) and using it to induce states such as LD, OBE and AP. From my experiences I am also sure that one could develop a greater contorl over the facilities that create these states and ultimate create alternate states of counciousness at will.

So far I have developed a system that involves training your brain through use of binaural beats, meditation, LDs, and very infrequent chemically altered states of counciousness. The results of this practice (which I will outline at another time) are clear. The first time I attempted astral projection I succeeded. I have (in a matter of four days) gone from being a frequent LDer to having many LDs every night.

This system is far from a science or art, and I am only experimenting, but I am exteremly interested in methods other people have used to better operate their brains.

Like I said, there are a few people in the ld4all chat that are experimenting w/ the techniques I am using, and are seeing some kinds of results. I just think that there should be an open forum simply on the topic of operating your brain, because lucid dreaming is clearly an excercise in operating your brain.

How do you do it?
CILD btw. Sun eye technique?

I’m still perfecting my techniques. But I was interested in finding if any one else practices anything similar or has a similar goal, and how they are going about acheiving it. When I have my methods down I’ll share them, but they are hit and miss, and only consistently result in nightmares and LD. Neither of which are what I’m trying achieve.

One thing to try to induce an LD… Instead of telling your self you are going to be dreaming, skip the middle man. By this I mean, by repeating that you are trying to keep your mind councious of what is going on, but at the same time you are keeping too much of your mind councious for it to work without lots of practice. Something I find works every time to go straight into an LD is to listen to the high pitched sound in your head in complete silence. This is skipping the middle man. Instead of adding something to keep you councious you are getting rid of everything else.

This way I find that you don’t really fall asleep, even though you do… if that makes sense? Your one thread of counciousness is awake , but everything else is a sleep. Some things that commonly happen when doing this including the sensation like your body is swaying w/o gravity and also strange loud sounds, and eventually you might think your eyes are open even though they aren’t. The key for this technique is to think nothing, only listen to the tone.

i do some sexual energy cultivation exercises, and i’ve noticed that i’ve been having a lot more LDs when i “wash” this energy rather throroughly and hold said energy at my chakras (especially the brow chakra)

for the past 5 days or so i’ve had an LD 4 of them, which is an improvement over my once or twice a week usual, so i think it’s safe to say that the new way i’m doing my sexual energy cultivation (by focusing it at some of my chakras) is having some kinda correlation

i’ve attempted AP about two times now from a LD, i woke up in my sleep paralyzed body, but couldn’t for the life of me wiggle out of it. both times i slipped back into an ND, i keep forgetting to try AP again now that i’ve been using the “new” technique

I had a breakthrough last night w/ my chakras. I don’t exactly know what these are, but they are definitely there.

I was lying in bed meditating listenig to some binaural beats liek usual and then I decided I would goto bed. As I laid in bed i could hear this humming. If I tried to listen more closely I could hear other types of humming and then I could feel them inside my body. Soon my heart started racing, or thats what I thought it was. It was racing alarmingly fast so I checked my pulse and my pulse was normal. I was actually hearing and feeling frequency from inside my body. This was my heart chakra!

After I realized this I noticed that there were about three distinct frequencies that I could hear. I am assume that these were different chakras. I know this isn’t helpful for any one else, but when searching for chakras one should try to listen for them. I notice now that if I have been meditating for a while and then listen deep inside my I can consistently hear the first humming that I heard before the others surfaced.

I’m not really into all this chakra stuff… Maybe I would be, if I knew more about it. But can someone explain what a binaural beat is and what it’s supposed to do?

A binaural beat is when two slightly different tones (sinewave, etc.) are applied to each ear. By providing a tone of a certain frequency to the brain, it will gradually change its own frequency to match it. But since most brain frequencies are between 0 and 30 Hz, and those aren’t audible by humans, binaural beats have to be used. If you have two slightly different tones in each ear, the brain will combine them, treating the input as the difference. For example, one ear can hear a tone of 400 Hz, and the other ear can hear a tone of 412 Hz. The brain combines these and will gradually shift towards the difference, 12 Hz.

The point of entraining the brain to different frequencies is to alter your state of mind. Each state of mind has certain frequencies, or ranges thereof, associated with it. So if you can artificially entrain your brain to the desired frequencies, you can safely achieve a shortcut to various altered states of consciousness (including LDing, deep sleep, alertness, super-learning, hypnosis, and even a state of mind that apparently makes you lose control of your bodily functions in your sleep(???)).

One program that generates binaural beats is Brainwave Generator (bwgen.com).

chakra means “wheel of light” i guess a simplified definition of their function would be energy transformers. they accept energy and change it to a different type. the ultimate aim as i understand it, is to have them all humming in unison, so that all the types of energies in your body are balanced

that’s exciting that you had a breakthrough w/ your chakra meditation though :yinyang:

Actually, I think that my brain knows how to operate itself without help better than I ever could, and most things like meditation wouldn’t really help.

I know I’ve already posted in this topic, but I think I forgot to mention this.

toadstool, i am curious, what kind of frequencies you listen to while meditating with binuaral beats?

Actually I think your brain knows how to operate you. There is a big difference.

Mabus: I use sbagen and the prewritten sequence files for the most part. I also created a few of my own. Generally I use the the Chakra sequence, theta sequence, focus-10 and night time sequences.

I use these all at different times. I usually use the theta and chakra while I am doing something else, then I continue to meditate with them for about 15 min, then I sit in silence and listen to the frequencies that ahve been created in my head from the beats.

Something else to consider is these beat s have very minimal effect on me. I really have to be near sleeping for them to effect me. Then I feel my inner body shifting, I head my chakras, I see only what I can describe as my third eye (brow chakra) and the energy (waves) flowing across my vision as it slowly opens. I usually get too excited at this point, but a few times I have been relaxed and focused enough that it has opened and I have been ripped from my body, or entered a lucid scape.

oneiromancer wrote

yeah…, the goal is to have them all going at the same time,. and when you have them all going,… the chakra that is above your head, opens…, and then your supposed to be in total bliss, and be one with the universe,… – something along those lines, but thats the goal,…

toadstool…, i strongly suggest you aim for that, cause you seem to be good at it now

and,. toadstool., if you dont mind…where did you get Your binaural beats from??

I use SbaGen. It can be downloaded at the following website: uazu.net/sbagen/

This program doesn’t have a GUI, but if you are using windows, just try dragging one of those files onto the program and it will start running.

Mmm Toadstool i feel my chakras, and when u fall into deep sleep then the solar plexus becomes the dominant one. delta waves are linked to this one.
I dont have to listen to them. Breathing is the pump for all chakras, i let my head falls sleep and my hands are on my stomach…plexus…and emptyness and breathing/chi flow through chakras are automatically picked up. I just let myself float into sleep and dreams by letting go.
Well i use a tech i self invented, but to keep it simple i just tell this.
What i do is splitting consciousness, one part falls a sleep and one part stays but empty.
I can go from waking to dreaming, into deep sleep and even lower, the stage of a NDE and back up again.
As i said, in the delta deep sleep stage of sleep, the solar plexus becomes dominant.


you lie jeff :smile:

I don’t know all too much about them, I’ve just been exploring them since I started playing with binaural beats.

I’ve also read that breathing is the pump, but when I breath and try to imagine my chakra I get absolutely nothing. However when I breath and listen to my binaural beats sometimes my chakras surface on their own when I take off my head phones and lay for a while.

I also experienced something interesting after using binaural beats over night. My girlfriend called my one morning and when I was talking to her I could her my chakras through her voice on the phone. I mean to say that it was her voice, but it was like it was masked byt he sound of the chakras. (she asked me why i was being weird… lol)

I am also curious if you are familiar with the distinct sounds of the chakras (for me they are less sounds, but feelings that seem to vibrate inside my head that I can hear because of the vibrations). For example the heart chakra sounds and feels like a rapidly beating heart.

My final early morning rant would be to ask you to explain how you do this more, because it sounds like you are prety good at operating your brain.

I’m so glad you said this, toadstool. It is something I have been figuring out for myself in the past couple of weeks. I was calling it brain clutter.

The past two nights I have let all thoughts go before sleep. I had many dreams, but I can’t remember them. :bored:

I look forward to reading more of your posts.


Last night I had a huge breakthrough with non-chemically altered states of conciousness and lucid dreaming. Like I had said before I had a feeling that the binaural beats would be more effective if I had some kind of leadnig voice to lead the experience, and I was completely right.

Last night I downloaded the lucid dream curse (a hyposis mp3) from warpmymind.com (watch out, this site is in general fucked up, but I found the link to it else where on this forum). I laid down and started listening to it with my sbagen focus-10-a.sbg file turned up to medium volume, so that I could hear the guy talking on the mp3 clearly.

The experience started out very slowly, but as he guided me into a hypnotic state(something that has never happened without the binaural beats), my body started to disapear. I woudl get rushes of my inner body shifting, and hear and feel vibrations. This started at only 10 min into the session.

Toward the 15 min mark of the session I entered dream states, felt my body floating over my body, and all sorts of altered states. At one point I thought a huge mosquito was on my nose and jumped.

Some thing else that can be useful on that web site are the hypnosis scripts. I am planning on mimicing those scripts and creating my own hypnosis sessions for things like my chakra and to induce lucid states, in conjunction with my binaural beats.

I hope this is helpful for some of you! I know that I really feel like I’ve had a break through, and I can’t wait to experiment again tonight and one of the mornings(you are more mental strong in the morning, because you aren’t so tired from a long day) this weekend.

This is a quote from something i posted on another forum, but is essential another essential part in why I believe that learning to operate you brain is so important (from awareness, counciousness and lucidity)

Last night I was in an argument with my girlfriend (it is that time of the month, and sometimes it is hard to understand where the horomones take her)… but that isn’t the point… the point is that durin the conflict I started to feel vibrations… and became drowsy… I let the situation drop as much as posible and felt in a very hypnotic state (similar to those achieved witht he binaural beats).

I’m not sure what the relavence of this is, but clearly when you are angry or upset you are experiencing an altered state of counciousness. Perhaps in this state I was more ready to percieve thing, or maybe I have altered my altered states?

Any one know about the physiological effects of anger etc?

Hi toadstool,

your comments about knowing one your true self are all very correct. I have read about Zen/Meditation/the mind a lot and i know 100% what your talking about.

And that is really fantastic that you can do so many things with your mind, like using your chakras etc. But for those people who don’t meditate (or arent able to, like me), its not easy to do what you say.

Im not saying I am 100% not able to meditate and use my mind in another state of awareness, but I am saying it is a very difficult task for me, and until I reach it (which wont be for a very long time) I wont be able to sleep listening to my chakras and having LD’s thereafter instantly.

Thats why those who are not concious of their own self, as much, have to resort to to methods like MILD, WBTB, etc.

But its great that your telling us all this, you are showing us what an awake mind is capable of!
