The rival we never knew we had

Well, actually kmcdonald, when I dream I dream as Zaerus, not who I really am. Zaerus is what my avatar looks like.I drew it last year and will soon get a better model of it up. So I always DO dream as my ego, Zaerus. My dreamscape is much more complicated to be explained in one thread. So, any one else out there brave enough to express their opinions?

Then in that case Zaerus go find your ego from IRL in your dream and ask it what it wants to do in the LD.

although i don’t watch dragon ball z, to me it would seem to be a great premise to try out some of the more supernatural abilities you’d want to try.
since dbz is animated do you dream it as being a cartoon or is the environment realistic. either way it sounds interesting.

Zaerus is my ego IRL, but in an LD I am my own ego, not Zaerus. So this is why I’m confused. I thought I confronted myself a looooong time ago. Am I the only one who has had this happen to him/her? This is buggin me.Kmcdonald, Why don’t you try this?

I am not using the term “ego” as in the popular sense “He has a big ego.” (pride/self-esteem), but rather it the sense of an ego being a Freudian awarness of self as opposed to others. That is, unless you see yourself in real life as Zaerus, (that is, you move your arms similarly, act as if you have the same muscles, watch that your head doesn’t hit things behind you, etc) in which case you need help, your ego is your body-image. Or as they called it in the Matrix (which I see many of you here are fond of) a residual self image.

So when I say meet yourself, I am not telling you to meet your true self, but rather your subconcious desires (id) in the form of your ego where they are normally manifested.

I want to remind you I don’t believe in Freudian theory, but it’s terminology is useful in categorizing certain aspects of the mind.

This topic has got me curious. I had a dream last night which I recalled as I was waking up. In the dream there was a man in his 40s/50s arguing with a young girl about whether or not I should go lucid. The man seemed to have a much stronger character and was arguing against me going lucid.
Very weird - I didn’t end up with a lucid dream, though.

Kmcdonald, I knew you meant the other ego, not the popular one. But like I said, Zaerus is how I perceive my self in alter reality. I 've also cloned myself and tried that too. Sleepy head… the old dude might be a projection of yourself, maybe, or a failsafe of your subconcious. I don’t know, but these are my opinions.

Hah I’d love to summon someone who was outside of my control in the dream! Although I’m not into the kooky side of lucid dreaming ( :wink: to anyone that is) I think in my next one I’m going to try to summon my “Spirit Guide”

Hopefully we’ll end up having a DBZ style fight too.

In my posts, all references to DBZ are used only because of its popularity and most people can relate to it. In my LDs, there are all much more realistic than DBZ. I’m not complaining, just clarifying. By the way, I beat my rival last night :content:

I was talking to my friend about lucid dreams, he said when he was younger he had a nightmare where his mother ‘turned’ psycho and tried to kill him, her eyes turned red. my friend said he was lucid and he was scared, so he tried to wake up, then his mother laughed and said something on the lines of haha you cant wake up, then I think he woke up into the same dream when he tried, and then he tried again and it went like ‘fump fump fump fump’ he woke up many times.
I cant remember if he then completely woke up…
So if there is a character you cant control, its your unconcious mind trying to keep in control?

That’s a good assuption, why don’t you dwell into it more so eh? Also, have you ever had such an experiance?

Perhaps we all have part of our subconscious that is ‘programmed’ to try and stop us from lucid dreaming for some reason, hence why it is hard to accomplish.

In some ways it would be good to have another person with an ‘independent’ mind in your LDs. If they were good then you can get them to tap into your subconscious and work out things you wouldn’t know normally etc. If they were bad, like your rival, then you’ve got to try and beat them. Bit like the ‘big baddy’ or dream land :smile: There could be more of these characters that you don’t control, hiding somewhere in your dream world. If this was true for me, I’d like to go and meet them all.

The two people arguing could have been from your subconscious justifying LDing. Perhaps deep down you might think that you shouldn’t LD, so you can let your subconscious make the dream up for you and give you messages or something. Only a possibility. I’m not really sure. Could also be the part of the subconcious I described earlier just trying to stop you again.


Realy interresting topic, And here is my 2 cents of worth:
I ve had some few characters in my ld that i cant control, Beside a image of myself that was comlpaining on me it havent been much that i couldnt handle. (Talking to an image of one self is kinda… hmm… hard to not flip out).
But he was talking about the essense about getting along with your subcunsiosness, (btw “he” helped me to get some of the best sex in a LD i ever had… sigh(This maby sounds odd, but it was so it was)(The worst part is that i laughed at him at first)) So i could achive bettre lucid dreaming. Of course this is my normal stand point, so it was nothing new.
But this could be a helper of my uncunsiosness that just told me what it wanted.
It could allso be somekind of embodyment within my dream from my “labido”. It could be lots of things.
But i think that the first dude, Dont remember his name, had a experience much like mine. Somekind of thought or idea that you or your subcunsiosness have just came to live within your dream. Due to ive experienced that you must be midfull of your thought in a LD due to every thought can change the dream and dreamscape tottaly…

I think what kmcdonald was trying to say is that u should confront ur IRL self, not ur IRL ego. U as Zearous (sp?) should confront the other u as what u see in the mirror IRL

That’s just the thing though, I’ve done THAT years ago :blush:

Well what did you do in that dream where you met yourself then?

I’ve personally never had a Lucid Dream in which I don’t have total control. If anyone walked up and opposed me, I could either ‘bink’ them into oblivion or crush them like an ant. Then again, I don’t suffer from a readily diagnosible Multiple Personality Disorder either.

I’m extremely fascinated with dream characters, and always have been. The way they sometimes appear as realistic as any other person, and can sustain a conversation with arguments you couldn’t even think up yourself. However, I have never had one beat me at my own game, while I was lucid.

Without offending you, I suspect that you may not have been lucid at all. Or at least not for the entire duration of the dream. Perhaps you lost it just as the fight commenced and that’s why you couldn’t win? Or perhaps you were lucid but simply didn’t TRY to win?

Interesting anology Atheist, but it incorrect. I appreciate the feedback though. As for Kmcdonald, I walked up to a mirror and I challened my alter self. We battle pyhsically, then mentally over a game of chess. In the end I won. So, are there any other responses to my problem? And thanks for those who have been helping me all the way through this.


Incorrect? What exactly do you mean?

All I did was state my personal experiences, and provide a few theories as to why someone would find themself unable to win a fight with a dream character.

Are you telling me there have been times when you didn’t have complete control over a dream? I’m not a self-confessed ‘master’, but I do always have total control of my own Lucid Dreams.

It would be useful for you to back up statements like that with reason.

Hmm… I doubt that you really met yourself. However, I didn’t have the experience: you did. When you challenged “yourself”, did you even ask if you wanted to battle? And why did you battle anyway?

I don’t think it is healthy to attempt to completely eradicate our ego, but that supressing it may be a worthwhile efforrt. Perhaps you need to talk with yourself again, have a conversation instead of just going right to a battle.