I got shot

Bullets hurt damn it! I achieved lucidity the other day by using WILD and focusing on an old super man dream I often had when I was little. I achieved lucidity (or so I thought) because I realized I was incontrol and all that jazz. The only problem is is that some bad guy shot at me and I was bruised. IT HURT BAD!! It felts like my ribs were being smashed every time I got hit by the bullet. I was getting messed up so bad that I couldn’t even spin to get the hell out of there so I did a sort of auto-eject thing by screaming at the top of my lungs until I woke up. Anyone have a solution for the pain thing? My theory is that I put myself in a mindset that I was superman, and at the same time I was me (in a Lucid dream). I think just maybe the fact that I chose the role before my dream was even initialized, some how barred my control. I don’t know how to explain it but that method of induction caused some sort of block, control-wise. I tried all of that I am in a dream so im not really getting shot/hurt crap. Didn’t work. Any input reguarding this situation would be appriciated. Oh but don’t tell me its all in my head or any bull like that cuz im 100% sure that I experienced a mental block that could not have been avoided at the time. Thanx

yeah, getting shot is not a good thing… I’ve had it happen to me in a dream, but not in an LD… I’m thinking that in that moment that you are getting shot, trying to muscle/block the bullet like superman would be tough because you’d have to tense up… at least I would tense up, and when I get tense or anxious in an LD, I tend to loose control of it… Maybe the next time your in an LD, try shooting your self until you’re use to it… :cool_laugh:

when your lucid, why not use pain to your advantage,
what i would do is concentrate on the pain, feel it and bottle it up, imagine all the pain flowing into the one spot, creating like a ball of pure pain, then firing it back at the person who shot you, relasing all the condensed pain within them. the possibilities while lucid are endless, its just that when somethings happening in a dream, you tend to let it disctact you from the fact that you are actually in control, if you know you are dreaming, try and relax, and use the situation to your advantage


You probably already heard of this, but anticipating and expecting things are really powerful in dreamworld. Maybe if someone does try and hurt you, expect no pain or try to ignore that person and their action.

I haven’t got the chance to put this to a test, but just a thought.

I can definately relate with you, once in my dream I got stabbed in my back with a fork (haha). It hurt seriously, like a mildly sharp flow of pain… then I got a medikit and it healed damn fast… I was fighting a revolution to free an opressed group of alien people.

Darn fork-wielding aliens… :content:

Pain sucks. I’ve been shot before too…interesting theory on the mental block…makes you think…

Another suggestion…dodge the bullet. I’ve done it once or twice…just will yourself into “bullet time” like in the matrix so everything slows down, and then dodge the bullet. Or stop it and fling it back at the owner. Holding your hand out and shouting “Stop!” would probably help too but I’ve never tried it…