Circadian Rythms and WBTB

How can WBTB be used without affecting our biological clock and the quality and length of sleep?

I have been doing a number of partly successful WBTB WILDs averaging to 4 attemps per week. However, I’m starting to suffer physically and psychologically, or WBTB/bad sleep is possibly aggrevating already existing issues. My biological clock also wakes me at 7:00 (wake up time for monday, thursday and friday) regardless of my sleep at night, making things worse. My biological clock is powerful enough to wake me for WBTB on its own, meaning the days between deliberate WBTBs I could not be sleeping deeply enough for that time at night (I try and vary WBTB time to increase my chances of falling asleep and avoid setting my bioclock).

My success rate is very low with WBTB, and I have found (for me at least) that certain conditions must be present for WILD symptoms to occur, and they only show up an estimated 4 times per month. That in itself leaves me with little time to gain experience, experiment, or LD considering how much effort goes into it. I have the energy to continue like this as results are there, but not if it means messing up my daily life and possibly health.

My only alternative (which I am already attempting) is meditation, trace and relaxation even if these take years of training and require certain amount of talent all of which I may not have.

I’m no expert on this or anything, but you’re not supposed to continually do the WBTB method because it can affect your health. I’m pretty sure I read you should only do it about twice a week. Isn’t there another technique/method you can use for lucid dreaming?

Not sure if this is what you’re asking or not.