dream recall

whats a good way to pratice your dream recall?

Keep a dream journal. This gives you both an aditional reason to want to recall dreams, plus excersises your actuall dream recall ability.
Also, when you wake up, try to lay still. If you dont remember a dream, lay there for a few minutes, it may come to you. If not, write down anything you remember, colours, emotions, anything. Through the day you may see an object or person you dreamed about, sparking a recollection of the dream. Make sure you have something to jot it down on so you can remember it and put it in your dream journal later.

I agree with everything that Josh Readstone said. Another technique that I use is I go through my memories of my daily routine. Usually if something stands out I try to rebuild the dream by thinking hard.

Josh Redstone is right. Whatever happens, do not roll over before you remember your dream! :tongue: