Yay! I did it!!!!!

I can’t believe it, but finally I’ve had my first LD that I had control over (my last were about 3 seconds, not even really lucid) I was in my ‘Lucid’ bed which is in the guest room. Every time I’ve slept there since learning about LDing I’ve had some sort of breakthrough, I think It’s because I’m comfortable in my own house, but it’s different than what I usually sleep on. Anyway, I was in a white room and did a RC and realised I was dreaming. I flew for the longest time, it was the coolest thing ever! Then I tried to make someone appear and that’s when I lost lucidity, but I’m so worked up about this :partying_face: I’m sleeping in that bed again tonight (still have guests over) so maybe (possably) I’ll have one tonight :happy:

:partying_face: Congratulations :partying_face:
I know that there is no words that can describe what you felt.Wasn’t it great. Ahh but there is more,alot more to come. So just keep on doing what your doing.

:tongue: Congratulations! :tongue:

thanks! :wink:

Congratulations charlottedreamer, well done! :smile:
Flying is fun, aint it, lol :content:

Go hunt 4 some more :cheesy:


:cool_laugh: Congratulations! :cool_laugh:

hope I get my first ld sometime soon! :smile:

congrats, first full LD’s are always a rush! good luck on your next one, keep it up! congrats again :smile:

Gongratulations :smile: Keep up the good work :smile:.

Congradulations !! :grin:
I’m still waiting on my first :neutral: