Confuse dreams > clear dreams

Every Night i dream about lucid dreaming and every night i have a false awakening. But when i think “is this lucid” in my dream i just go with the dream and not think that anymore. I call that “dream flood”. I just cant stop my dreams into one dream longer than 10 minutes i think (time is not same in the dream) and everything is so confuse in dream that sometimes i just have no time to think about being lucid.

Shorter way is: How can i make my dreams more brighter and clearel?.

there is different Dream states, isnt there? Sometimes you are more confuse in dream and sometimes you know what you are doing?.

Hmm, don´t know for sure.
Things that might help

  • Sleep with open window, so you get enough fresh air
  • Try to calm down before going to sleep, don´t think about the next day etc
  • If you are watching TV or playing computer a lot, try to do it less (especially before going to sleep)
    -Try some meditation techniques
    -Try LL
  • Perhaps some mint tea, B-vitamins or similiar could help.Take a look at the “Shortcuts” forum

Thinking about lucid dreaming every night is already very good.Do you do RC?
If not, you should give it a try.And if you already do, make sure you do them carefully, even in situations when you don´t really have the time

good luck