
ok this was really cool :cool: last night because i was like half way through my dream annd i suddenly said “Wait a minute, I’m dreaming” :content: i then had control over my actions but there was this nagging feeling :eh: that i didnt have complete control because when i tried to fly i just fell over and then i still had no control over the scene because i found it changing with out me wanting it to.

i was able to make a burger appear for some reason but still it was hard :bored:

why was it so hard and how come i never had complete control

You did have complete control… you just didn’t know it :wink: . You have to remove all doubt if you want to fly or make something appear. In the dream state, you are always in control. Most of the time, it is the subconscious that is doing everything, but you can consciously take over - but only if you believe you can.

Yoda put it, “Do or do not, there is no try.”

Yeah after thirty lds I’m still working on dream control, although its getting easier. Sometimes I’m afraid that if I change something in my dream it will cause me to wake up. For example, flying usually always awakens me but at least getting off the ground isn’t a problem for me anymore.

Gotta listen to the movies advise

“Dont think are, know you are!” - Morpheus, Matrix

Uuhmm, if you find something hard to do, then try and think of a way to make it easier. Example - I tried to fly, but suddenly my feet felt heavy and I knew it was pointless to try. So I decided to quickly run onto my dad’s car’s bonnet and then the roof, and tehn (with the momentum) I jumped off and I could fly. The only real point of that sort of stuff is that it increases your confidence that you can do it.

So it’s just like the Matrix eh? Just listen to Morpheus and you’re all good? (especially in the first one when Neo fights Morpheus: “You think that’s air you’re breathing?”) :cool: