interesting experiement...

Well me and my friend did a little experiement a couple of nights ago.
i asked her to open her mind to the energies around her and see what she could feel/sense.

She did what she usually does - that would be lay on her bed, relax and basically go into a deep meditative state which usually takes no more than 5mins -

from then on it’s a little sketchy as she doesn’t remember much. She described feeling very tense, her whole body tensed up and then she felt a weird feeling through out her body. (i did ask for a little more detail but none came)

The next thing she felt was like she was falling (like those falling dreams) and when she “hit the floor” she awoke. The really strange thing is that when she awoke she actually found her self STOOD up on her bed.

thought i would share that with you all :smile:

That’s really weird! I sometimes find myself sitting up or grabbing something in my meditative state and only to see what’s happening when I actually wake up from my meditative state. I get distorted sometimes. I don’t do that anymore though except to jerk when I levitate out of body which seem to happen lately.

Hey Insane_Goth, why not invite her to ld4all forum? I have a feeling that she’ll enjoy being in here. I definitely enjoy reading her experiences.

Tell her hi for me. :cool_laugh: :cool: