My sun-eye experience

Ok, after reading about the sun-eye method (I) I decided to give it a go last night. Set alarm for 6 hours later and tried going to sleep focusing on my third eye. Interestingly I found the sensation very familiar. I remember (before finding out about LDing) that if I concentrated like and relaxed I could feel some sort of tension building up, and if I concentrated for long enough I knew something would happen. Unfortuantely I never managed to hold it for long enough.

Anyway… back on topic:

I could feel myself slowly slipping into sleepyness, but just before I would fall asleep properly I would wake up again. This contined for about an hour, with falling slowly for 5 mins then staying awake for about 2, falling asleep, waking up etc. Evetually I fell asleep. However I only managed to get 5 hours of sleep in before I woke up again. When My alarm went off I was still really tired and I physically did not have enough energy to get up, let alone walk around, read about LD or splash water on my face. I tried really hard to stay awake in my bed, thinking about stuff to stay awake, but I only managed it for about 20 mins until I was totally exhausted. I could feel myself going to sleep so with my last ounce of energy I concentrated on my third eye and fell asleep. When I woke up I could remember no dreams at all.

What was I doing wrong??? How can I get myself out of bed? Shall I try going to sleep earlier?

I think I might try setting the alarm for 6 1/2 to 7 hours after I fall asleep, so if I stay awake for ages I can still get the right amount of sleep.

Notice this: I AM NOT GIVING UP!! I will keep on trying it until I get some sort of result. Any feedback from anybody out there??

Thanks, Sam

hey foolish I read an article which gave me some thoughts on wild, let me sum it up:

Well I think that an aspect of consciousness is that it consists out of different systems like input processing, memory, ego, etc. These systems all together create a stable configuration of consciousness. Dreaming and sleeping are ‘altered states of consciousnes’ (asc) in that some of the subsystems are off-line but the configuration is still stable. Now to induce such an asc you have to destabilize the subsystems either by interfering directly with them or by withdrawing awareness from them so as to deactivate them. Interfering can be quickly done with psychoactives but that’s another story. Deactivating is also done by relaxation and deprevation like; darkness, silence, remaining completely still, concentration to stop thought processing etc. So the best way to wild would be a floating tank I guess. But this is not all, it must be accompanied with the right mindset or attitude. So for a succesfull wild its best not to be to tired to prevent falling a sleep. The ancient yogis knew this all to well and created all sorts of methods to deactivate subsystems but to maintain awareness. Mostly they used relexation through breathing and postures and maintaining awereness through concentration on a virtual object. Or they used a mandala, a diagram that makes little sense in the waking state but viewed in the altered state, may make sense so that it works as a patterning force, and the pathways in the brain can recognise their route to asc.

atm I am experimenting with a concentration technique; I imagine a small sphere to concentrate on. When i get more relexed the sphere morphs into a small window in the distance. Next I project a dream-scene into the window. It’s important to keep the scene within the window. Then slowly the window is moving towards me and thus becoms bigger until its all around me, hehe O_o