
Ive had some dreams were I would be screaming very loud like Im afraid of something and screaming, and when I would scream I would wake up and I would hear an echo from my “dream scream”

Does this happen to anyone. Its really weird. Im thinking it means im really too involed in my dream to where its way to real…

Another thing that has happened to me during my dreams is, Say Im asleep in bed and my mom tries to wake me up by turning the TV on. Whatever is going on on the TV goes on in my head in my own version. Like The dialog in the movie will be in my head just with made up people talking. Does this happen to anyone

I have this with dream images (visual) that echo into reality. Those are hypnagogic (when falling asleep) and hypnapompic (when waking up)hallucinations. Don’t worry about it. :smile:

This is very common. I guess all of us have experienced this at least once. Today Hayley posted about this here

Similar things have happened to me, like the dream goes on a split sec after you have woken up.

I have sometimes left the radio on while sleeping, then often in my dreams i am on some concert or watching a tv in my dreams of the group thats playing. kinda weird