
i had a dream last night about I was at work, and for some reason my boss had become a music teacher of sorts, and was teaching some of the other guys working how to play the drums as one. i disrupted it, and started laughing, so she made me go clean off all the chalkboards, which were all made of cheap wood (which is typical of the company i work for) im cleaning inbetween pushpins with an eraser when i hear a loud gunshot…and when i say loud, i mean LOUD. my ears were ringing, literally. i felt a tingling sensation in my right ear, and i lost control of my body. I slumped to the floor in time to see a short, asian girl in a company uniform holding a large, probably .357 magnum revolver firing randomly into the class of people, and a bunch of other employees who had shown up for some reason or another.

the floor of the room was hardwood, like a basketball court, without being polished. the walls were clean white. it was a square room with a celing about 15 feet high, and large windows with rounded tops. the sky was a dark, dark blue, like 30 minuites after dark, but it felt like it was later.

it was just one of those dreams…

what are you guy’s ideas on this dream…it really bugged the hell out of me

Sometimes I think that all the elements that go to contribute to a dream makes it too hard to analayze correctly… this is one of those times :content: Sorry!

honestly, i dont know what to think. She killed you? Dieing in dreams sounds very interesting… If it happens again, maybe u can see ur dead body and confront your body, or the assailant. Maybe that will help out a bit :eh:

that dream is really interesting…but i dont make any sense out of it in respect of analizing it… maybe it was just another dream. Ive had a few confusing ones too.
Seeya from Michelle :cool:

I remember this one dream I had really distinctly. I was looking out my bedroom window, and I saw this guy on the ground below. He pointed a gun–I believe it was a rifle–at me, and I duck down just in time to hear a LOUD gunshot (I mean I HEARD this shot, there’s no other way to describe it) and him saying “F***! I missed!” I ran downstairs to tell my dad that someone had tried to shoot me but he didn’t believe me, but I finally got him to go upstairs with me and look. Then I woke up.

I did actually get shot once in a dream. I think it was my brother who did it, but even now I’m not really sure. The only reason I think it was my brother was because in the same dream (after I’d been shot; I came back to life a few moments later) I told him “Hey, remember when you shot me?” Anyway, what it felt like–it’s really hard to describe what it felt like. It felt like–nothing. Literally nothing. I had no sensation at all in my dream body and everything was black. I don’t remember how or when I “came back to life.” Then something happened and I found myself biting off my own tongue and spitting it out… ick…

I don’t really beleive in all that abstract dream analysis, but if you had a dream about a school/work shooting, it probably means that you’d been thinking, at least sub-consciously about that topic. Maybe you’re a bit scared that it could happen?

just my 2c