Tibetan Dream Yoga

There was a really good topic on Tibetan Dream Yoga on the old forum. Thought I’d try and start it off again. Anyone still practising?

I think the last thing I posted on the topic was a night of spectacular success with a string of WILDs and some vivid and interesting NLDs. Unfortunately I got a bit distracted since then and recently became suddenly quite worryingly ill and got kicked out of my house, so unfortunately my psychic research has been interrupted by some undeniable material circumstances. Until about a week ago I was having 1-2 LDs a week, almost always MILD, but it’s all gone a bit down the drain now, along with the rest of my life, so please inspire me with some success stories.

I never read a book or something about dream yoga,but i often use a “technique” that i developed myself which i think is quite similiar to dream yoga.I described it in the thread “Lucidity trill while awake + EWLD by LaBerge” in the dream diary section
Unfortunately i don´t have much success with LDing either,but hey,that can change any night :smile:
I´d like to hear which techniques you guys,who are into dream yoga,use.
