Sound frequences and brain functions

Ok,its me again with more news from Discover Sci-trek:)
Dont know how interesting it can be for you all but i personally found it amazing.Anyways…i decided to share what i luckily remembered:)

The whole document was called “Natural Mystery” and for those who live in europe-it should be repeated few times,so if you look in your tv directory youll prolly find it soon.
Main topic was how sound in different frequencies can have influence on our brain.
First they showed a doctor who sticks some electrodes to patients head and stimulates brain with different frequencies.Then they spoke with those ppl from the experiment.They all were telling their experiences and they all were exact definition of obes/lds.What it shows is that we are able to give someone instant obe just using sound at right frequency.As to me its revolutionary:)
Secondly it was about dolphins and their influence on humans.As we know they have ability to send sound signals with lots of frequencies.Its called radiolocation.They use sonar.Some frequencies they use are able to blow up the stone,or do serious damage to anything.
Anyways…People are bringing kids with down syndrome to play with dolphins.From all normal pppl they will allways choose disabled person and have a lot of interest with it.Then they start sounding differently so they recorded it and found out the frequency is damn high(stronger than one we using to break kidney stones).Then they did brain chceck up to those children-it has changed after just hour with dolphins!!
The thing is-dolphins are finding pppl disabled and are repairing their brains.Kids who said one word for all their life were saying 5-6 words just right after!They dont know how its done but changes are very visible and sciencifically proven.
Sorry if it sounds chaotic but i have little time and wanted to share it with you.
I find it damn amazing:)

I’m buying a dolpin tomorrow.

Sign me up for one too, Zombie. They always did look so cuddly. Now we know that they don’t just scream at rocks to makes them blow up, they can scream at little kids to fix their heads.

ok,ive done a little more research on the mentioned topic.
The doc who did experiment is of neuroscience Michael Persinger from Laurentian University Ontario.
By the way i made one mistake there-he uses magnetic field to get his patients feel like obe-ing.

I think I have heard about that. I heard his name mentioned along with a situation that has often been used to induce hallucinations: get a large mirror in a dak room and become vary comfortable while staring at it. I think you are supposed to have a candle next to you also. From what I hear, he was trying to induce the state that people are in this situation with magnetic fields.

Hey McDonald:)
Ive read about the mirror/candle thing u described above.Although i read it connected with seeing auras-it was one of the methods to learn that skill.
not to disregard your post-just a thought:)