lucid sex problems (THIS IS JUST CURIOSITY, NOT FILTH)

I know this topic has probably been discussed before, or at least censored by the moderators, but here me out. I’m not a pervert or anything, but after having plenty of regular ld’s, I wanted to try out some lucid sex, just for the hell of it. Problem is, everytime I get close to taking someone’s clothes off, I wake up. I don’t mean the dream fades, I just snap awake. Sometimes if I’m lucky, I can start the sexual process, but I always wake up in the middle. The thing is, I’ve read that while in REM, the sex organs get active and blood flows freely to these regions. Do you think that even though I’m asleep, excitement still is what wakes me up. I’ve even tried not focusing on the act, and thinking about staying lucid and nothing seems to work. Last night, when I first realized I was lucid, I immediately yelled “increase lucidity,” and I spun around to ground myself. I even did a few cartwheels and it made things even clearer. I didn’t even notice things fading or the dream ending. I just usually spontaneously wake up. How frustrating. Well, anyone else had success or failure with lucid sex?

“I know this topic has probably been discussed before, or at least censored by the moderators, but here me out.”

You might not get too many answers as you right-its been discussed and quite recently there were few topics.Just see in the Lounge and or try search button.
Good luck:)

This is not to make you look like a fool or summin’, but are you a virgin (maybe I’m asking this to a man of 40).
I have discovered that virgins are not (or almost not) capable of having sex in dreams.

I have the same prob… The best i could do was make out with a chick :bored:

Well that would explain why I’ve woken up on a few occasions before I woulda had sex with whichever guy it was in the dream…

But as a virgin, I HAVE had sex dreams that were VERY VERY real coughs LOL… so… ya know… virgins CAN have sex in their dreams. (Thank god! rofl)

No, I’m not a virgin… I’ve had my share. I think it’s because i’m not focusing my energy in the right direction. I should focus more on understanding myself first and discover how to become fully capable of manipulating my dreamscape. Only then will one have complete control.

This is sad. As some one who can have lucid sex with out even iniciating it(I’ll programed my dream characters very well) I find it saddening to know there are others who can’t. If you have problems having LD sex, create a dreamscape like I did. If you want more details e-mail me at or seach for my other posts and read them.

well i never had problems waking up before sex, but then i never had sex in an ld yet… have u tried having sex in ur dream with someone who u already had sex with in real life… or keep the same person each dream, maybe ul last a bit longer each time?
my problem is waking up right at the climax and it kinda ruins the whole dream :sad: is there anyway to stop this?

its getting hot in heeerre, so take off all your clothes…

… if you hadn’t banged anyone before wouldn’t the feeling of sex be like masturbating inside of a vivid dream character.

“… if you hadn’t banged anyone before wouldn’t the feeling of sex be like masturbating inside of a vivid dream character.”

LOL…thats best description you can get:)