
I’ve heard of people dreaming about flying and it being a common dream. I’ve never had one though. The closest thing I can link to flying with is when I’m in a dream and I want to get somewhere. I run real fast, but infact it feels extremely slow. While I’m running I pull the Earth under me instead of actually running extremely fast (only way I can really describe it.) I also float up pretty high while doing this.

Have any of you had experiences like this that could relate to flying?

Actually, I never dream about flying. From memory I don’t think I’ve ever had a normal dream in which I was flying or even floating. I’ve had plenty where I cant walk properly for some reason, as if I was paralized standing up - but never flying.

I wondered for a while if this might limit my chances of having a LD, as my dreams were all very standard and usually didn’t contain anything that may strike me as being odd. Those fears have since been put to rest. :wink:

I fly often and its really wonderful. Its more often in lucid dreams. I don’T know any techniques or practices to have a flying dream. It just happens in my dreams by only thinking to fly. I direct and control it by my mind. :blush:

i often found myself flying or trying to fly in a dream. sometimes just flying all on my own, but sometimes i have a helicopter or some other machine i fly with. i love it. i can really feel the wind in my face and the nice feeling in my stomach of being so high above everything. it’s really nice. :content:

too bad, that these dreams weren’t lds :neutral: . in my one and only ld i tried to fly, but i didn’t manage to do it. i was only falling wery slowly and gently to the ground.

I have had many flying dreams when lucid, but not so many non-lucid ones, because that usually makes me realize i’m dreaming. I once had a dream where i was jumping very high from treetop to treetop and off of houses and stuff, like crouching tiger hidden dragon, i realized it was a dream. it took my a while to be able to fly, i imagined rockets blasting under my shoes, and sure enough i began to levitate, it took some practice before i could fly well, but now when i have a lucid dream, i almost always fly, to get from place to place or what not. its tonsa fun.

the last flying dream i had was semi lucid i had this thing in my hand while i was flying (didn’t get a good look at it but it was a 3rd person dream with view from behind and the object was round) and i found out if i moved it up i went down and vise-versa(sorta like a plane) it fun but i couldn’t get full lucidity though but it was the closest i have had to ld in a flying dream