Dreaming in black and white?

“I only dream in black and white, I only dream cause im alive, I only dream in black and white…to save me from myself” Iron Maiden-Dream of Mirrors


Ive also heard that you cant hear sounds in dreams…I dont beleieve it…I dont think Ove ever dreamed in black and white…or atleats i dont remember

I ALWAYS dream in color! Often it’s sortof darkish, and not bright, but sometimes its TECNICOLOURED! (I like those dreams the best!)

Yup…me too…I dream in colours that I have never seen on earth before. Do you think it’s possible that there are more colours in existence than the basic combination of red / yellow / blues we know of?

No :smile:

Not according to science, anyway. We’ve been able to examine absolutely every possible spectrum of light, and we’ve seen all the colors there are.

Nearly all of my dreams are black and white. When I do dream in color, the colors are not intense- less so than RL. Coincidentally(?), my ability to dream in color seems to have improved as my LD ability has improved. My dreams may be a special case though as I am someone who experiences “REM behaviour disorder”. For those not familiar with this condition, this is where your physical body does not achieve the normal atonia (paralysis) while in REM sleep and you actually physically get up and act out your dreams. It’s very interesting to me that most lucid dreamers dream almost exclusively in color- and intense color at that. I’m developing a theory that RBD and LD are experiences on the oppisate ends of the dream spectrum. This disparity of dream color between “normal” lucid dreamers and myself reinforces this view.

Here’s to hoping that I get to experience the wonderful colorful dreams that others have described as my LD ability improves.

I heard one time that one of the first things to slip out of your memory about an even is color. Maybe that had something to do with it?

I heard one time that one of the first things to slip out of your memory about an even is color. Maybe that had something to do with it?

I don’t want to discount any possibility, but I really don’t think so. I am as confident that I dream in black and white as others are who claim to dream in a “jillion” colors- it would be as fair to question their memory of the event (i do not). You probably dream in color yourself, so therefore my claim seems not believable. I think in a normal, non lucid dream that a lot more gets lost in the translation. However, when I am lucid and able to observe my surroundings and they are either colorless or the colors are present but “dingy” let’s call them, then I have to think that my impression is fairly accurate. If I had a jillion colors in my LD, then I wouldn’t be thinking AT THE TIME OF LUCIDITY “I wish that my dreams were more colorful”. So no, I can’t see it being a memory issue- the only possibility would be that somehow I am misinterpreting it at the time of its occurance.

I have considered the possibility of misinterpretation on my part further. My dreams tend to be very dark- the setting seems like night or twilight almost all the time. Under these dim conditions, even if an object has color, then it is going to APPEAR colorless. This may be the explanation- perhaps it is more of an illumination problem rather than a color problem. When I do notice color, it is when I am dreaming of a sunny day or a well lit room- which only rarely happens. And even when it does, the colors and illumination are not as “vibrant” as in RL. The sun itself when viewed has about the intensity of a full moon. This again implies an illumination problem. So my question would be this- those who do dream in intense color, what is the lighting like in your dreams? I would assume it would be very bright if it would correlate to RL- the brighter the light then the more intense the color.

Personally I dream in color. At least I remember the dreams being in color so I assume they were in color. I don’t doubt that others dream in black and white though. I don’t know why there would be a difference but everyone is different, I won’t discount what they say happens with them.
Personally for me red in a dream is a warning sign. If I see red on something I know something bad is going to happen. If the whole world is in a red fog something really bad is going to happen. Those are the times I really try to exercise control over the dream, uinfortunately I sometimes panic so much that I can’t achieve control.

I’ve always wondered, where’d people get the idea that we dream in black and white? I don’t recall ever having a B&W dream.

Can this be releated to what language you dream ? For exampel, if you live in sweden you dream in swedish but if you move to england and after some years you start to dream in english etc?

I dream most in black and white but also in colours…so both are 4 real!
The first thing i tried when i started with lucid dreaming was focussing at the place of my third eye chakra to waken me up from my dream.
I choose that spot from instinct. It works great to wake up from a dream. But i tried like many many times in my dreams and one thing was interesting. From a colour dream it took me never longer then 1 sec to wake up from my dream. From all black/white dreams it takes me at least 4 or 5 sec to wake up from. I cant do it faster. So most logic is its in another sleep level. They already proved ppl also dream in nonrem sleep but they Have way more problems to remember there dream then ppl woken from rem sleep. i have the same with my black/white dreams, its way easier to remember all info from a colour dream then from a black and white dream…in colour dreams i also have more control when i am lucid then in a black and white dream.
so i say that colour dreams are happening in rem sleep and black and white dreams are happening in nonrem sleep.


Jeff, that’s an interesting point of view and I actually have to agree. Now I want to enter another B/W dream… I haven’t had this forever! :happy:


Often when I dream, I dream in a monochromatic scale, like only shades of red or only shades of yellow. Other times I get colour, and when I do it’s VERY vivid. I should look into this more.

Hmm, I dream in color but the colors are very dull, sorta like someone has taken a black and white movie from the 30’s and attempted to make it look like it’s color with those crappy shading things they do, like in To Kill A Mockingbird. Oh well.

Well when I was a child I seem to recall I would dream in black and white or very washed out colours, prehaps with the odd colourful aspect like a splash of sunlight or a random coloured object. My dreams slowly became more colorful in my late teens. My lucid dreams have been very vivid and some scenes brighter than real life.

Maybe people form the 40s and 50s dreamed in black and white because they did not have colored tvs, i mean maybe since tv is a big part of our lives and captavates us with the art and ideas that it just plays a big part in other parts of our mind.

I’ve never dreamt in black and white. I sometimes remember colours in dreams quite vividly.

Well when i take a nap at midday then my dreams are mostly in colour.
While at night they are almost always black and white.


Hello there! I’m new to the boards. I’ve always dreamt in black & white and color. It just depends on the dream. The colors are basically like real life, usually not like technicolor.