Dream Diary

First off let me say this is a great site, just to get that out. I read everything on this site. But didn’t think I would be able to remember any dreams, seen as I was under the impression I never dreamed. Anyway I went to sleep, set my alarm clock to get up early and layed out some paper to write down what I remembered. I woke up, and remembered 3 dreams, not only that but I remembered other dreams I had before and realised I actually dreamed alot just couldnt remember it.

Anyway to the question, I wrote an A4 page that morning, that is alot of writting. The next morning I remembered 6 dreams although a couple were vague. This ment even more writting, is it essential to write down all the dreams you remember? because I’m not sure if it is actually the writting down of dreams that is making me remember them, and if I stop writting some down I may start forgetting them again because all your advise says you should write down everything you remember and I seem to remember alot about some dreams.

Just out of interest do people become pro at this, and after lots of practice and have 1+ lucid dreams a night. Or even after practice are they one off things that dont happen to often?

Welcome to the forum. :smile:

I generally don’t write my dreams out in full detail, since it takes so long. Instead, each time I wake up during the night, I just write down a few keywords and sentences - just enough to bring the entire dream back to memory when I read over the notes in the morning. Of course, the more you write down the more you’re likely to recall later, but I find a few small sentences to be adequate.

Sometimes if I have a particularly interesting or significant dream, I’ll write most of it down at some point during the day. The important thing is that you’re making an effort to remember what you were dreaming about as soon as you wake up. That quickly builds into a habbit, and you’ll find that every single time you wake up, the first thing on your mind is “What was I just dreaming?”.

There are currently a few topics around the board if you’d like to hear what other people use to record their dreams. You might want to take a look at this one.

In reply to your second question, people can indeed learn to become lucid virtually at will. It does take a lot of practise (and patience), but it’s well worth it.

ive never actually talked to anyone who has a LD every night, but it seems completely feasable to me, especially if you master WILD. its like Lucid dreams at will.