I am an Indigo Child. Are you?

Wow, i have found some amazing stuff out about the Indigo Children. I have found out that i am one. On top of that, i have found out that more and more close to 90% of all children today are indigo children as well. Those born after 1992. You dont have to be born after 1992 to be an indigo child. Einstein was an indigo. You dont have to be a genius either. Type in Indigo children on google.com find some info and tell me what you guys think

Don’t worry, it’s nothing a little ritalin won’t cure. :wink:

Well I did a quick Google search but failed to find anything that made much sense. Lots of sites telling me that ‘Indigo children have a unique set of psychological characteristics’ but without telling me what those characteristics are.

Some other sites claimed Indigo kids are ‘more evolved’, and more likely to have learning difficulties, which seems contradictory.

Oh, and the person who coined the term received it while channelling a non-human intelligence called Kryon. Okay.

Sounds like just another invented label to help people think they’re special, if it’s not Indigo children it’s ‘Otherkin’ or ‘Psy-vamps’ (I’d tell you to do a net search for those but you’re better off not bothering).

I agree with that.


  • Xoalin

I can’t help it but appearantly you are an Alien amidreamin6 :crying:


well, one calls them indigo children, the other “nieuwetijdskinderen” or children of the new time.

The point is, in this time many ppl are born with higher consciousness or what do you call it. Childeren who can see aura’s, their dead grandmother, know things a ‘normal’ child wouldn’t know, talk about past lives, etc. They are also very sensitive to moods and energies. There are whole lists somewhere with characteristics ‘indigos’ have. Point i want to make, if you are one, you know deep inside.

you have always felt differently than those around you. You have a longing for something you don’t know. You feel homesick but you don’t know where that home is. You probably have a high interest for paranormal stuff. Either you already see aura’s, or can heal ppl, or communicate with spirit guides, or you’d really want to, or you reject it completely.

I myself am one, though i don’t want to use the term indigo.

I too am one. My sister came to me and started telling me about it a couple of months ago. She learned it in some class. She has a book with all the characteristics. I’ll ask and see if I can borrow it.

I believe I am one too. :smile: I don’t like using that term either. I rather to say that some are more evolved than other.

Just my two cents. :grin:

OK did some Google :smile:

Here are the exact criteria as written by Lee Carroll in The new kids have arrived (the “classic” New Age book about this subject) so you can do the test:


Well, most of these points seem true for me - especially 1 and 2 - so it seems I’m one of the aliens LOL.

From the majority of those criteria it looks like I’m one too, and probably so is everyone else on this forum.

Difficulty with authority?
A feeling of royalty?
Feeling like no-one understands them?

That’s every child who has ever lived.

This is really cynical of me but it seems like part of a trend towards egotism and self-importance. Children who last century would be seen as just troublemakers or dysfunctional or introverted or even vaguely emotional were then considered to be victims of disorders like ADD, ADHD, or bipolar, and now they’re actually superior space-children and ‘more evolved’.

See you back at the home planet.

Actually there is more to it than whats on that list but I think some of you are taking those as slight personality quirks whereas they are supposed to be strict traits. Another VERY important criteria is that you have a prevalent presence of indigo in the aura. The woman who came up with the term sees auras and said that indigo is a color that was thought, within aura reading circles, to have been lost. Recently it has been reemerging. Or so her book says.

I don’t think very many of those traits applied to me as a child. I don’t like autority without question and I tend to be creative rather than ritualistic. However, I also handle tedious repetitive things well and have an abundance of patience. Waiting in lines doesn’t bother me at all. And I certainly don’t feel like royalty or need to be treated as such. That, I feel, is a wrongness. I would rather feel connected to every other thing that above it all.

depends on the type of evolution, to declair it contradictory. You have to understand that out evolution is not based around the brain. We are animals and as such evolution could change us into a some quadroped creature in the future in which case our higher brain functions such as writing and speach could become redunant and return to the more animalistic marking of territory.

that said after reading what pasquale said, indego children seem no differnt to me than normal people. We all have the ability to see aura’s, reach higher states of consiousness, see ghosts.

This is all something we can learn to do, just like LDing and APing. we are all capable, just some find it harder to start doing where as others have a natural ability.

Looking at it from a sceintific view then this is all something that we USED to be able to do as animals (ie: feel the energies) it’s what all animals do and how they know about weather, and times of year etc. so if you think about it indego children aren’t highly evolved more like less evolved.

//added:- well going by the stuff i have read i could be an indigo child myself… i’ll decide later whether this is a good thing :eh:

This would only happen if higher brain functions became unnecessary or detrimental to our survival, and given that ‘learning’ is not unnecessary or detrimental it doesn’t make sense to me that learning difficulties should be a sign of being ‘more evolved’, since presumably ‘more evolved’ means ‘better adapted to the environment’.

In fact many of those criteria; the difficulty with authority, the frustration, the anti-social nature, would seem like shortcomings which would make it more difficult to live in a modern environment. If anything I think you’re right when you say ‘Less evolved’.

yes, everybody can develop their higher senses, but the point being made here is that children are born with those abilities.

I did some research some months ago on the web about ‘new time children’ (nieuwetijdskinderen as called in dutch) and what’s said is that there are different categories, ‘indigo’s’ being one group. There are others as well. The one i feel most comfortable with is the ‘chrystal’ , but then again, this is what somebody else writes and actually i don’t like putting myself in a box somebody has defined.

what i do know is that i’m different than the average human being. Average as being defined by society.

It is well possible that indigos/new-age children have always existed but it wasn’t talked about. Like being gay. Everybody seems to be gay at this time, we have never had so many gay couples since history began, 100 years ago nobody was gay. Doh, they where even so but it was kept behind closed doors or you where declared crazy and locked up somewhere or sentenced to death if you where real unlucky.

I do agree with Blackcandel, its a real problem on the internet in particular where you can get away with any sort of claim.

Having said that I’d say that higher states of conciousness (senseitvity) are open to everyone. I think that senseitvity is just a genetic trait and that the spiritual is not a completely seperate matter, split from science as is common currency.

Thus its just that some people are better at playing the guitar and doing maths and some are better at sensing the spirit world. I’ve wished lots of times to be the one who was good at maths and could play the guitar…

Nah, sorry, I’m not an Indigo Child. :sad:

I am a STaRSeeD though.
Take the STaRSeeD TeSTto find out if you’re one too.

I scored a 90!

* Ø ¤ • °.

Wait that starseed thing isn’t a parody?
Some of the questions… heheh.

Anyway I don’t like the sound of this whole indigo child thing… synaethesia is such a subjective thing, couldn’t certain personality traits be perceived by someone else as a kinda flourescent green accompanied by the smell of turnips? And all this stuff about percieving energies and eveolving… I mean really… can these perceptions be logically defined and proven? Evolution doesn’t happen to a flourishing species in a couple of generations.

It just seems like it stems from a need to A) feel special and B) believe in something more to life than life. Well I am special :tongue: ! And so is everyone… and there is something more than life… it’s called lucid dreaming. :cool:

K I just read over that and it seems a little harsh. I don’t want to criticise anyone for feeling recognition and identification after feeling odd and alone because of unusual personality traits. Just don’t be abusing Darwin.

I got 27 on the Starseed test - and that’s after being generous with some of the answers. Realistically, I wouldn’t have answered ‘yes’ to some of those that I did, and I also can’t see why having green eyes automatically gives me an extra point.

Anyway, I don’t know exactly what to think of this ‘Indigo Child’ label. Personally, I completely agree with Badcandlejack. Particularly when you notice that almost everyone who has posted here was quick to pretend they belong to the category. As soon as you say “More evolved”, or “naturally more in tune with higher senses” suddenly everyone jumps in line to sign up. It’s only natural, since by default everyone wants to think they’re special, and labels are easier to remember than a reputation is to earn.

The list of identifying traits quoted by BrianHacker, to me, seem to only represent a particular type of personality - nothing above or below the average person. Some people don’t like waiting in lines, and it’s not uncommon for a person to question authority - particularly in this day and age when most of society’s rules don’t even make sense. Quick, slap a label on their forehead and needlessly separate them into a group.

I guess we’re good at doing that.

I have a friend who has ADD, or rather, had it. Its not so bad now as when he was younger, but he is an Indigo child, or so he said. It used to bug me cause I never new what he was talking about. Later I found out he was doing just that, trying to bug me. :eh:
So I read this page, and I sounds like its just a ‘New Age’ way of catagorizing one type free thinking. I think thats unneccesary, but hey, a free thinker is a free thinker.
And it turns out I have 8 out of 10 qualities on that list Brainhacker provided. I hope that doesn’t make me a hypocrite. :bored:

Umm, I took that quiz… and I scored 81. I should have more, but I didn’t have physical characters that they asked for.

It’s interesting because a lot of people said that I had cool eyes and I noticed in quiz asking if I’m interested in people who have cool eyes. I put yes. I think it should put cool eye instead of green eyes instead though. :sad:

It said that if I scored 75 or above, it strongly encourage me to be in Stargate’s quest. It’s interesting. :grin: