when you reality check....

hey all! im new to this forum so this´ll be my first time posting…i happend to stumble over this amazing site when just surfing around, i got very intrested and now í wont stop until i will have a LD : )

to my question…i just came to think of it…when you do a RC have it ever happend that you notice that you aren´t dreaming?? that you are awake but you think you are dreaming?? that must be a very weird feeling : )

This is close to what you mentioned:

ld4all.vervex.com/bb/viewtopic.p … d5590#3201

As far as for myself, the only time I have come close to having an RC fail IRL was when I was looking at a clock, and I looked back, and it was a different time. For a moment I was thinking “Wait a second, this doesn’t feel like I dream… I have never been in a dream and in my bed I don’t think…” but I tried a few more times and confirmed that I was awake… I think :content:

closed. Go here for all your RC needs: