Im having surgery, will it be intense?

hey, im new to this board and to LD. ive never had one, atleast i dont believe so but i have been recording dreams and doing RC’s for a few days now. im hoping to have an LD sometimes soon :happy: well anyways, im having surgery on the 1st for my knee and i was wondering if maybe i did the MILD while i was falling asleep right before surgery do you think i would LD? or will me being heavily sedated not let me, or maybe even make it more vivid? :smile: thank you

My brother had surgery, he said it felt like he blinked, and the pain was there. I dont think youd be able to remember it. you could try though.

LOL! I did attempted to WILD when they were putting me to sleep for my wisdom teeth surgery… here was my experience…

8.9.02 10:50 AM in Dentist’s office.

I went there, feeling very sick from my stomach due to being so nervous. My mom came so she could drive me back home since I would be put to sleep. The lady said my name, my mom and I then followed her slowly. She invited us in a small operation room where I was told to sit down on the chair, almost similiar to the normal dentist’s chair. My dentist came in, he seemed to be in happy mood. He tried to find my vein from my left arm and he couldn’t so he switched to my right arm. There, he found a good vein to apply IV in. I felt so dizzy. I never have been this nervous before! The IV was for the purpose to put general anesthesia into my blood. The crews (including the dentist) asked me if I started to feel drownsy. I replied that I was starting to. The dentist told me that he would be back. I nodded in reply. I prepared myself to attempt WILDing. He came back with a shot and told me that it would help to relax me…

I felt a gentle tap on my right arm, causing me to wake up. My mom’s face started to appear. The first thing I said/thought was “I do not remember passing out!” and all of a sudden, I began to cry. I felt like I didn’t remember anything and that I went into a coma. I was overwhelmed. I was very confused. I looked at my right arm, expecting that the IV was still there and the surgery wasn’t done. No, there wasn’t any IV there… just a bandage. I noticed that I had two cottons in my mouth to control the blood. “I’m wrong, the surgery is done.” I thought. I continued to cry, barely being able to keep awake. The nurse came in with a wheelchair. I put both of my hands on the nurse’s and mom’s arm. I couldn’t stand at all, I was very hazy. When I finally sat down on a wheelchair, my memory escaped again. I didn’t remember how I exited until I arrived at the car to get inside. They helped me to get in. I was very confused and distorted. My tears were still flowing down freely on my cheeks…


The drug had a strong impact on me, but it is different for everybody so yours might be lighter and that you dream, but… it’s different like I said. That drug knocked me out completely… no recall or anything. It even sweeped my memory out before I even fell asleep which I found a bit disturbing. :tongue:

Good luck with your surgery and I wish you a speedy recover!

They tried numbing me once because i chipped a tooth half way (ouch) and i inhaled it all…it just smelled funny and i was like “What the censored!” hahah :wink: no effect on me ;\

I dont think anything has effect on me, advil, anything. It sucks and doesnt suck I guess. ;\ If i had to have surgery theyd have to use INSANELY strong stuff ;O In fact, I’ve never fainted/been knocked out/had medicine used on me to go to sleep…ever :o unless they do something to babies for that ROFL

I do have tons of trouble sleeping at times as well ;\ Ive been getting better at falling asleep (and now trying to LD :cool_laugh:)

haha…kinda reminds me of that woman that was awake during surgery and she felt her insides being touched and such

well i guess when i think about it, your probably right. ive have been knocked out before at the hospital but i was young, but i do remember having a dream. it was really weird though, it was like a cowboy on a horse and it kept changing colors like a hologram. :eh: most likely i guess i dont remember anything :neutral: but hell, maybe i iwll :happy: and if i do ill be sure to post it, and thanks for the comment on a quick recovery, i wish 9 monhts was quick!

Well, Mimic, the stuff that they give you on occasions like that isn’t really meant to throw you into a state like DM7 experienced. It’s just supposed to relax you. I had some minor work on my mouth done and they gave me that stuff, and I didn’t notice any difference either. shrug


Ah, if you take a nice 3-5 hour nap before the surgery, you’d have a super chance at WILD :wink:

Yes but still nothing has ever effected me…NOTHING. :sad:

DId they put you to sleep? Pure sleep? General ath.?

Well, why do you think it does nothing to you? Sometimes it do, but you don’t realize it. You know what I’m trying to say Mimic?

Infection0: Ha ha ha, yeah right. Well, it could work, but you might don’t remember it or that you’re out unconsciously completely that it doesn’t work either. There are many factors including senstivity-to-drug factor that will either block or aid you with WILD.

You can try it… :wink: Won’t hurt to try.

DM7, I had an experience almost exactly like yours.

I was going to attempt LDing under general anesthesia while getting my wisdom teeth removed. The doctor couldn’t find a vein in my right arm at first, so he tried left, and then went back to my right arm. I was feeling a bit dizzy maybe due to nerves. Next thing I know, I wake up with cotton in my mouth. I was like, WTF? Absolutely no recollection of losing consciousness.

It DID do nothing, the dentist literally asked me if I felt weird and I said “No” it supposedly make you “not concentrate”
the numbness didnt work so well…I could feel them drilling at my teeth to reshape ;\ it was so painful…kinda cold pain… =-o

Good Luck, I hope you WILD!

My experience, I was given some stuff including Demerol at hospital, made my body totally numb and my mind unable to concentrate. Cool thing was I got almost-instant HI, like I close my eyes and people walk in to greet me, I open them to meet them and no one’s there! For some reason I couldn’t do anything productive doped up.

What? how did it make you guys so NOT concentrated? my subconscious is stupid…oh wait…it doesnt effect that :razz: Its painful…Advil doesnt work, Tylenol doesnt workj…jessuz!

When I broke my leg not so long ago, they gave me both morhpine, and that gas that they give you to make you numb. It’s so good. I sort of got a bit of hypnogogic imagery. I was lying in the ambulance, and I was wondering if I could still move, because I was feeling somewhat… disembodied. I had my eyes closed but I sort of saw my arm waving, and I though, oh, that’s nice. But I’m fairly sure I didn’t move my arm. Later they had to reposition it literally just by pulling it back into position because there was some sort of concern about the circulation, so they gave me the maximum dose of morphine… :content: . But it was still incredibly painful. I had to go under anaesthetic later that day, and I couldn’t remember anything about becoming unconscious. I really wanted to do that thing where you count down from ten to one, or whatever it is. But I didn’t even realize when he’d injected me. Because I had this little thing on my arm that they could connect to either a drip or a syringe, and I didn’t realize. And I remember when I woke up I had drooled all over my chin. Was a bit weird. I was under for about 2 hours, I think. I remember when I woke up it was about 11 o’clock.

The gas doesnt work im tellin joo :razz:

The injections work probably :razz:

well just wanted to follow up on this thread… i had surgery this morning, boy did they drug me up. :sad: i couldn’t try the WILD technique only because i was laying on the operating table and they were setting me up and thats all i remember, i dont remember being really tired or waking up… i was out cold… oh well :-/ was still really fun :smile: haha, also everything went well :happy:

:happy: This thread probably took your mind off the surgery. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Heh. I might be coming up on surgery too… Back surgery :sad: Imagine that. However, I might not have to… Depends on my next doctors appointment :eek:


Ouch back surgery, that’s risky. Just don’t panic over that though, everything will be alright. :smile: You know sometimes our mind can make everything much worse and then after, you would say, “Hey, that’s not too bad!”

Whenever you get that surgery or not, I wish you a speedy recover too! :wiske:

Yes… I can only hope I won’t have to go that path :bored: But if it happens, at least I can just get it over with now… best not to deal with those kind of problems when you’re much older.