certain areas of school...

Your Bored! :help:

^yup^ I have to agree with hubbs…nice avatar btw

My old school was like that. There were some spots that just felt really erie and it was a really old building. I think some places are just interesting like that.

Is it reasonable to guess that something significant may have happened at this particular location, even if you don’t remember it? Alternatively, does that location remind you of a place you used to visit, or of a dream? Is it a feeling of nostalgia you experience when you walk through there, and does it only happen when you’re alone?

It’s hard to say why you feel a particular way about a seemingly random and arbitrary location, but you can usually trace it back to something.

I get that feeling too, but not in one particular spot all the time. Have you had weird dreams about that place? Does it remind you of a dreamscape that you have often?

ChicoRaton Wrote:

Who, Me? :content:

used to visit=no
dream= That was my theory, but i"m not sure.
Nostalgia= yes yes! Exactly!
Only when alone= DEFINATELY.

When I pass this section of school during period of passing where everyone go to class, I feel nothing. Is High traffic area. But (There is bathroom there) if I need to go to bathroom, I have to walk by section of hallway mentioned and get weird feeling about.

^.^ and I was not simply bored when posted this, I had been thinking about posting for long time.

Not bored now, i mean at school :tongue:
Can you find school boring at all? Its not really that exciting :neutral:

oh. School is so so easy. :content: They tell me I’m smart ^.^

But they’re wrong. I’m just quick on feet.

Yes, I am bored alot, but now that i think about, 80% of time I think of place in school, I am trying to sleep in connection.

Possible Link? Connections class is near spot. ^.^

Dig ye a hole and see what be there, maybe some pirates treasures!


wow. someone had nothing better to post. ^.^

This may be your first of many experiences like this Trung Of Wu.

I think I’ve had many of the same experiences you describe. I’ve never found a word for it, and I’ve never been able to put it into words.

I sometimes have a certain place/location that my mind drifts off to. It could be while I’m day-dreaming, thinking of problems, or driving down the road. To quote Atheist it’s usually a “random and arbitrary” location, and it gets stuck in my head.

The last location like this for me was an intersection at a stop light. I could be working out a math problem and thinking about solving it, but I would find that location deeper in my mind. All for no apparent reason and the locations would change eventually.

It’s really hard to explain.



Polish up on your pirate jargon swab!

No clue, sounds just like a weird building =P

fairly recently since I made this post, there has been a different location at school with the exact same feeling and thought. I find my mind drifting to the intersection between the main hall and a hall without classrooms…

Its a glitch in your school :happy: Sounds odd, i rememeber falling asleep at school, but i have odd dreams, that make me fall out of my seat and scream at other students, but noting like what you described :content:

Josh, I laughed my ass off :rofl: :gni: :lol:ARRRGH

never had a strange feeling about a place, but about freaking out while dreaming in class. . . one time freshman year in highschool, in bio, I had just fallen asleep, and I just popped into a dream where one of my friends looked at me for a second, then started to move his foot for my nuts. just as it was about to reach them, I jumped so hard my desk moved and everyone stared at me for a few seconds.

Maybe you have dreamt of this place with wierd feelings abound in your dreams before and when you see it in RL you subconsciously remember the dream with the same feelings.

This has not happened to me so i’m not really sure

hmmm… interesting theory. ^.^ anyone else?