problems flying when lucid :(

i just had my first lucid dream last night. i tried to fly from standing still and nothing happened, so i ran and jumped trying to fly and didnt take off untill my chin nearly hit the floor then i went about 8ft into the air but couldnt hold it and landed in a bush lol. i was just gonna try spinning round and rub my hands together when this wasp came and stung me in the dream and i woke up :grrr:.
how can i fly better and not have to land after afew seconds?

Don’t worry, everybody learn how to master flying eventually.
It’s all based on believe. If you don’t believe you can fly, you stay on ground then. :smile:
Also the level of lucidity is linked, sometimes it’s very easy but sometimes it can feel impossible…
Trust yourself, concentrate.
There are plenty of good techiques, one goes like this: Imagine you’re weightless and start levitating just few inches off the ground, move slowly and build your confidence step by step…
but as I said, sometimes is just happens automatically, then you don’t have to any tricks, just speed up and enjoy the scenery and the great feeling of free flying. :smile:
Another good one is use the machines, so you don’t need to fly, the ‘machine’ does the job for you. They do not have to be real flying things (like jetpack, airplane), I’ve flown using magic carpet and some sort of plastic ‘garden chair’. Just think the thing (could be even your shoes) is meant to be used for flying.

…probably youngs birds too…

ive also tried many times to fly and nothing happend.

once the bad-police-guys tried to catch (start LD!) and just go to the clouds, the second time also i was in danger then LD started and without thinking of this i just did it.

this is hard to do but you must DO IT, the same way as you breathing, walking. if you thinkig about it you will stay on the ground.

have you seen matrix? (im sure YES)
do you remember Neo’s problems?

lol i rented matrix out last night, gonna watch it later, eat 2 bananas and have a glass of milk then sleep… should be very interesting :smile:
im not really that bothered about speed at the moment, i know i could work on that once im up there just staying up is the problem.

I have had heaps of flying dreams when i was about 7 oor 8…i remember most of them even now.
In one i used a pillow as a flying tool, and another one, some magical person fairy thingy came and gave me wings…
well, flying is a cool feeling…but unfortunately i wasnt lucid in them :sad:
Good luck LucidMonkey!

Hey guys/girls…i just joined but that’s besides the point lol…

Anyway this isn’t a lucid dream…i don’t think…but when i fly in my DREAMS it’s like i’m swimming the breaststroke but in the air…i use my feet as leverrage (spelling?) and my arms to propell my self…in my dreams i stay up for as long as i want then i come down…now this probably sounds like a lucid dream right? i don’t think it was cuz when i’m dreaming it…i kinda but i kinda don’t see it…i know i’m flying but i don’t really know how to control it…what is the best way to see if ur having a lucid dream?

Hi all! I’ve learned some interesting things lately about flying in a lucid dream. What I have noticed foremost is that relaxation is the key. The less effort I put into trying to fly, the better results I get. You know how sometimes in a dream you’ll be trying to run, but the harder you try to run the slower you go? Well I’ve found that it’s the same with flying… The more that I’ve tried to “exert myself” in a dream in order to try to get off the ground and fly, the more I just sink and get nowhere. But if I relax my “body” (my dream body or whatever you wanna call it) and don’t try to struggle with it, I’m able to start to float and then that leads to flying. Recently when I’ve been lucid and was experimenting with this, I made a mental note to myself that flying in a dream feels very much like swimming under water. Because in water, also, sometimes the more you struggle to float and propel yourself, the less success you have. You just have to relax and let go and know that the water will help carry you… Anyhoodlez, hope this helps someone! Sweet dreamz everybody…

One of the best technique (perhaps the best) for accomlishing anything in a lucid dream is asking your dream characters how. It makes complete sense, also. That is, you are your dream characters, so you are simply asking yourself, “Since I know I am dreaming, what would I have to do to fly?” and giving yourself an answer. The answer you give yourself will be better than any other answer someone IRL can give you, because you already believe yourself 100% in a dream. I used this to figure out how to fly in lucid dreams, and my main technique is raising my hands in front of me and putting them in the “gun” shape (thumb and forefinger extended) and focusing on levitating. I found that this works for all objects. One more way is to define some sort of technique that you made up IRL. For example, you could say "Next time I am dreaming I will move my hands left-right three times and jump up and down twice. I will then count to 3 and the next time I jump I will be flying. Have fun :content:

I have developed many little techniques that help with flying in LDs. One that works particularly well if I’m having trouble getting off the ground is that I find a small rectangular (don’t know why its usually rectangular) piece of board or even cardboard. I just hold it in front of me and let it catch the wind like a kite and off I go. The wind just seems to pick up and help me out. You see I’m light in LDs and just this little force from the wind is enough to propel me pretty fast. I then can manuver by changing the angle of my “sail” - up, down, and change directions fast. I can feel the wind and have gotten better and better in multiple LDs using the small hand held “sail” as a rudder also to go anyway/where I want with good control. Somethimes I have trouble avoiding electric wires (no less, ha) and have to use my sail like an elevator control surface on an airplane to gain altitude at a steep angle. I’ve even been able to get out in space (not using the sail, though) by doing a series of manuvers and gaining altitude steadlily over a few minutes. The earth looks beautiful from space looking down on it in LDs. I recommend the view. I realize in the LD that lack of air in space is not a problem since I’m dreaming. Even at night I can see all the lights from cities back on earth. Don’t worry, one time while flying, I lost control from a vast height and was wondering all the way down if the fall would kill me. Isn’t that silly, I’m in an LD remembering that I heard in “real” life that someone said if you fall in a dream from high up and don’t wake up before you hit the ground, that it’ll kill you in real life. Not true for me. I’m still here. I hit with a mild jolt, but no damage done. Picked myself up and dusted myself off, then up up and away again.

I have found while flying in LDs that it is fun to race cars below on the highway. At first I was pretty slow and couldn’t even keep up. But I’ve worked on this and over time and multiple LDs and have gotten pretty fast. Sometimes I can outrun cars on the freeway now. One time I was chasing some bad guys in their getaway car. They knew I was following them and would report their wherabouts to the Police so they really stepped on the accelerator to give me the slip. I found I could gain on them by going straight across when they hit curves. It was a lively chase, but I eventually woke up before I could help the cops get them behind bars. Of well, next time! (Yeah, I know. I watch waaay too many movies.) I especially enjoy flying low over crowds and the people are astonished to see a person flying over them with no apparent external means of attaining flight. They laugh and wave and follow and the kids like to give chase. Sometimes I land and they want to know how they can do this. I kind of explain to them that this is a dream and you can do practically anything with practice. They seem surprised and in several dreams I’ve been able to get some of them up, especially kids who seem to particlularly like the idea, and they fly around with me. Group flying is fun and the kids squeal just like it’s Christmas. Try it you’ll like it.

The first time I flew in a dream I was doing what a dream character had told to do. So try asking a dream character how to fly and then use their technique. But you shouldn’t ‘try’ to fly, trying makes it harder, so just expect yourself to be able to fly, just like you would expect yourself to be able to walk.

I have to agree with Jabbervock - not trying is the way to fly; or that is what I have had most sucess with. I just think “I want to fly now” and I rise up in the air and move to whereever I want to go.

A word of warning though, don’t do what I did in my last LD. I decided to be lazy and fly instead of walking up a staircase. Big mistake - I flew up the stairs and smacked right into the top of the doorframe. It didn’t hurt, but I totally lost lucidity :bored:

im kinda hoping i can learn to fly super man style or like neo did at end of matrix… think i might just try high jumping next ld, take it from there :bounce:

Yeah, I agree the Superman flying position is my favorite as well. I usually use the little rectangle thing like a sail to get off the ground only when I’m having trouble getting off the ground. Usually when I’m off the ground good, I toss it or sort of hold it in one hand in case I need it later (ok it’s sort of a security blanket, I confess). A lot of times I just go the superman position from the get go. But it’s fun to try different tricks. Remember to keep your arms and legs inside until the ride comes to a full and complete stop, ha. Happy flying.

hi guys,
:smile: interesting subject, how can we fly in our LD’s
i think that everyone developes thier own style and technique that works for them.
when i was younger and had lucid dreams every night i lacked the ability to stay up very long. as others have said i tried getting a run up and swimming. it was a real struggle to keep myself up. a lot of the time i would strain until my stomach was sliding on the ground and i gave up only to try again. more recently though being older. i have realised in my LD’s that it is mostly if not completely a matter of will. and belief. it sounds a bit easier than it is at first but if you practice lots the possibilities are literally endless. one guy mentioned Neo in the Matrix. i fly like that all the time now. and im telling you, it never gets old, the rush is amazing. i like to force myself as high as i can physically go, untill an overwhelming feeling of dread consumes me…as if a part of me won’t let me go any higher…then i push myself a bit further…then at the last second i slow to a stop and then let myself drop and flip and tumble back to earth…its a hell of a rush!
so basically, once you ‘wake up’ in your dream try to clear your thoughts. be very aware of your surroundings. its important to know (to believe) that you can fly, get rid of any doubts, after all you are in a reality with infinite possibilities. try to hover first. sometimes i slowly let myself fall backwards from standing but lower your self slowly. then. feel your feet very slowly lift off the ground. if you can manage this its just a matter of willing yourself in any speed and any direction, once you get good you’ll be hooked. try your own ways, and never doubt you can.
at the moment my favorite position when flying is to have my arms slightly up and to the side, my legs slightly apart, kind of like a cross, i raely use my arms anymore eg superman style.
till next time!

ahhh thought i would have had another ld by now, is it posible to train your self to know your dreaming in EVERY dream, or like 99% of them? then you could plan to learn things and have all the time you need. i badly want to try and ‘summon’ my dream guide see if he or she can teach me :smile:
i remember one dream, probably the oldest dream i can remember from when i was about 6-8 years old where i was in the school playground and i was doing this doggy paddle getting about 15ft in the air. i spose it would be as easy as it would be to swim irl as you just imagin the air is water… i think flying in same position a stick man is in would be the best and fastest, maybe imagin your sunglasses give you the power to fly or somin.

During my last lucid dream I flew quite well by merely commanding it. Up! Or Forward! worked very well and I usually have trouble flying in normal dreams. I was like a rocket.

Flying by not trying? Sounds like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (if you haven’t read it… do) Arthur learns to fly by falling and then at the last second forgetting he is falling and fwoosh! When he’s in the air, if he wants to do a loop he has to not do one and just let it happen.

Hmmm… no one has mentioned HHGTTG technique for flying before… I should try that some time… and LucidBoy, if we could become lucid 99% of the time from one method, chances are there wouldn’t be this forum, only a dream journal site. :content:

its monkey not boy :smile: and i never said it would be easy, but if it was posible to train your self to just know your dreaming when you are… but i guess its not…

:happy: a good old fashoined oneironaut technique for flying that i use is to just run and act like u are goin to do a belly buster off of a diving board and hold your arms out and when u think u are gonna land on the ground u start to lift up and ive achieved extreme heights with this. also, when ur up in the air keep your legs together and make them move up and down like a mermaid would swim in the water. thats what i do and it works every time. :content: