The BIG VILD Topic - Part I

And how high have you flown?

You’re making amazing use of it though Pedro. I mean, with the band and everything. Maybe you should disect some frogs :tongue: .

What do you do in your dreams now? Do you just get lucid, wake up, VILD, get lucid again…? That might mean sleep deprivation :neutral:

I usually try anything that pops to mind coz I aint fussy anymore…fly, body swap, morph…anything.

OR… I let myself lose lucidity for the sake of having an interesting dream!

OR…(and most usually) I just create a skateboard and skate everywhere! My dreamscape is the only place I can do a 900 degree melon and then land straight into a handstand manual and then pop up onto a rail and do a crooked darkslide and then switch to 50-50 and then hardflip off the rail and land. The let everyone clap and cheer. Lucid-skating is what I usually do if nothing else springs to me mind…it’s quite an adreniline rush and I usually wake up in a very good mood and energized after it!

grin Well, admittedly in my first lucid dream just last night I did do some backwards somersaults but they went pretty slowly so not hugely fun. Still cool to watch the ground wheel by…

Pedro, I liked your other post a long time ago, but now you have outdone yourself. Thanks a million for the excellent information and techniques.

By the way, I’m not really new here, I just thought I’d change my username to this because I think it’s cooler. :content:

Hey Pedro. Thanks for posting such an excellent method. In my opinion, your method seems as if it would be the most effective.

Thanks again for posting it!!! :smile:

Yeah it works pretty good, I got it earlier this week for a few seconds, I can get lucid now a lot for like 1 second though. When i realize I am I look around and I wake up. It’s annoying, but I’ll fix it soon. Thanks Pedro, you are awesome.

Pedro, with your ability to LD every night, do you find you can work out difficult problems in your life out in the dream, things like work school relationships, etc
Or even a life changing intuition?

I practice all life skills from handling akward people to skateboarding!

I’m in a band and I write all my bst music for the band during lucid dreams. I have entire lucid-songs which I write while lucid. My creative skills are shoved up a notch and I write some great stuff then wake myself up and write it all down!

I make video’s. Music video’s, skate vid’s, short films, comedy sketches and other film related stuff. I always come across problems but I solve a lot of problems in my LD’s. I always seem to find new solutions that I never noticed before!

Wow, this sounds very interesting. A while ago I read a book about LD techniques that also talked about inducing an LD in a similar way, but it was described much more vague. Now I feel like giving this another go, especially because it seems to work so well. ^^

I’m quite good at visualising, and if I for instance think about how the surface of wood feels I can remember and feel that… but my big problem is that I’m such a scatterbrain! I have difficulty keeping my thoughts focused on one thing. But everything is worth a try :happy:

Pedro, I think it’s amazing how much you’ve achieved in LDing. o.O; Most of us wish we got that far! So any technique you use has to be effective in some way. ^^ Although it might differ per person. Thanks, though! :slight_smile:

Exactly! It might differ per person but I’m sure everyone can pull something useful from my method! Thanks for the compliments!

As for being a scatterbrain… When a new thought comes stick it on a little cloud and let it drift away and vanish. Do this to every new thought that comes along and keep focused on the original thought. If you have LaBerge’s book there is some decent tips in it!

i am really liking this method even if it hasnt got me a LD yet :tongue:
i got EWLD on order and hope to make a method that works perfectly for me once i get it as well

hey pedro, what instrument do you play in the band? I play guitar in my band and that sounds like quite an interesting thing you have going their, writing music while lucid. I’m deffinitly going to put this on my lucid to do list. You are a lot of help, thanks again.

nice one pedro
Looks like I’ll be trying this tonite.
I was thinking of combining it with another technique. A while ago I posted a topic on the shortcut forum re: The Mind Medicine Room.
I was thinking that for my dream scenario I could visit my mind medicine room and take my Get Lucid Pills, do an RC, and repeat over and over like you say. I was thinking that this would then work on two levels i.e the VILD technique as one, and the mind medicine room as the other.
The reason I think this might work for me is that I already have a sharp image of my MMR as I visit it often for alsorts of things.
Thanks again

OMG!! I just had an LD! :cool_laugh: It wasn’t entirely with the VILD technique, but it did help keep my mind occupied with LDing and RC techniques.

Read about the LD here

So, in short… the VILD didn’t exactly work as planned, but a lot of the elements of the VILD I had planned did occur in the dream. It also helped me to remember to do RC’s.

I think it’s also because of the nap. It’s wellknown that napping increases chances of having an LD, probably because your mind is more alert, or because time between being awake and REM is shorter.

But anyway… woohoo! Thanks again Pedro :happy: Now I KNOW this is good stuff :slight_smile: Must practice more!

I play guitar, bass and drums so I can use my lucidity to write full songs for all instruments actually!

For my band I play guitar but I sometimes give the other band members some ideas for their instruments from my dreams… I don’t force them to use my lucid music tho!

I am going to do WBTB and then VILD tonight, but there is one little thing I am confused about, I hope you can make it a little clearer for me Pedro (or anyone else). Let’s say I do VILD and eventually I do end up in the dream. How am I supposed to know that it is a dream and I am not just imagining the scene again? Even if I can’t see my nose or I can breathe with my nose plugged in the dream, since that was the scene I created I don’t see how I am supposed to realize that I am dreaming and not just still imagining it happening. I hope you understand what I mean.

Yeah I know exactly what your saying! It might not make much sense just now but if it works you’ll see that there is a difference. When you get in the dream you are actually IN your scene rather than just visualizing it. You do realize this but you don’t really since you aint lucid and your goin with the flow. As soon as you do the RC’s you become lucid. I promise you won’t still think your imagining it. It’s a totally different experience. Very hard to explain but you imagine the room and imagine doing the RC’s. When you actually enter the dream though, you DO the RC’s rather than imagine them…

I have a question as well, seeing as how I’ve only halfway succeeded once (not even fully). Does it matter at which location the incubated dream is? I’ve been working with a location I made up and doesn’t exist in real life, as well as a DC who doesn’t exist for real (but who’s known to show up in my dreams now and then). I meet the DC at the location, he then tells me to do a number of RC’s. But at all times I just fell asleep without entering into the VILD. I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that the location and DC don’t exist for real, so I have less memory to hang on to? But you also stressed that it’s important to not change your initial planned dream.

I guess it works differently for everyone, so I don’t know… :neutral:

is this method intended to be done with WBTB? i’m guessing so since you are trying to get yourself straight into the dream, and you will in the middle of REM… but by your description of this technique it sounds like you do it when you initially go to sleep. So, when you do it, do you enter your dreams when you first go to sleep? Thanks in advance…

You could use it with WBTB if you think that will help (IMO it probably will) but Pedro uses it from when he first goes to sleep. Of course, at the moment he’s doing a marathon thing of LD-wake up-LD again-wake up, which accounts for his high LD count this month!