Still not lucid.....

hey, still not lucid, i think im going to change my sig to say something like that.

anyway i was wondering, i just read that post that was asking about methods for remembering dreams and someone said that they tape record themslves and write it later… :eek:. i tape record my self too but i never…EVER…type it. is this bad? is it really important to write ur dreams down? i am asking this because my dream recall is starting to get pissy with me, rembering 1 or 2 or even no dreams one night and then 5-7 the next… :bored:

I feel writing it down reiforces the though in your brain. Thats why they make you write notes in school. Also , when you write it down , new links connect to help you remeber things that you might forget if you just say them, because you think deeper into it while writing. That could be just the way my mind works, however…

If you’re comfortable with having loads of tapes lying around just waiting to be magnetized, I’d have nothing against keeping your dreams in that format. Well, actually I’d be pretty annoyed that I’d have to listen to myself babble for hours just to get to a particular dream I want to remember. I’d recommend you put your dreams in a format in which you’d have easy access to later on, because there’s nothing like reading about a dream you had a year ago and remembering it (unless it’s a sad one like mine…). In the format you’re storing them in, they could easily be destroyed and you wouldn’t have easy access to them. If you’re really lazy, just list the key points of the dream in whatever way you like… and then really write on the dreams which you want to remember.

Saying the dream out loud is ok but I, a novice dreamer, have found that you remember them better if I wirte them down. I jsut do. Cant explain it. :content: