the big WILD topic part II

My last 4 lucid dreams have all been fake WILDs… where I did WILD from within a dream, unbeknownst to me that I was already in a dream, and became lucid that way. It works, but has this ever happened to anyone else? It’s a bit different than a normal WILD, I remember each time I was surprised not to get any vibrations…

Yes Fwongo I had exactly the same experience a couple of nights ago, I was just about to post a thread myself asking if anyone’s had this as well but you beat me to it :smile:

I’d been trying that same night before I went to sleep to do a WILD (and was unsuccessful, still haven’t gotten my first proper RL one yet…) so I’m guessing that’s why I did it in my dream. The wierd thing is tho, after my WILD (or should I say DIWILD? :eh: ) and I became lucid, my awareness of RL was still based on my dream self that had just done the WILD, not my actual RL self that was dreaming the dream that I did the WILD in. :panic:

Was this how it was in your fake WILDs Fwongo or did you know that your RL body was in fact 2 levels of dreaming up?

Here’s the thing, yes I did wake up after 6 hours of sleep and was awake for about an hour after that. But afterwards I went to sleep (without trying WILD) had a dream and everything. However all of the sudden I was very consciously awake in my own bed (as if I had almost woken up - and no it wasn’t a dream I’m positive). Anyway as I was conscious I started hearing this really loud noise. Question: What happened with the clicking? I want clicking, why don’t I get clicking? I know people hear voices on different intensity and sometimes it’s defeaning, but really that felt unexpectedly loud, it was like somebody was beating on metal on a metal floor with a huge hammer inside of my head. Secondly there were absolutely no vibrations, could it be because I think my muscles were already paralyzed since I didn’t really wake up properly? Lastly, I know a lot of people experience HH or whatever when they’re doing WILD and especially when their muscles are paralyzed. But I heard (and it’s surprising I could hear anything else over that noise) another voice, I was convinced it was an animal eating through the window - not pleasant. I got scared and I made myself woke up (trick I learned when I was kid - just roll your eyes into your skull works absolutely always)…
I guess I would’ve found out if I had continued on but ah well I didn’t so I ask you - it all has a lot of WILD elements but still I don’t understand doesn’t WILD after all stand for Wake Induced LD after all, because I was hardly awake before I began. So yeah sorry to bore you after all I’m a newbie with no intentional LD’s…

I thought at the time that I had done a real WILD, yes. So I didn’t know I was actually 2 levels of dreaming in, no.

There was a question about annoying itching before.
Going into dream WILD-ing requires peace of mind at first.When it annoyingly itches you need to simply scratch it.And no…it wont "reset"it.Remember to be calm in your mind…keep the feeling of slowliness,of lazyness of your thoughts,so called concentration.U need to take care of your mind…dont worry bout the body TOO much.The key lies in your mind…relaxed and numb body helps it so make it helping.Dont spend your energy on fighting with it.

I am slowly making progress, going further into the sleep cycle consciously. It seems to involve a fine balance between waking and falling asleep, maintaining a minimum level of consciousness so as not to disturb the process of dream formation. Not trying to do anything, just letting what happens happen, is also useful for me. A common pattern is to drift into a light reverie and then wake up into a super-conscious state. The past few nights I have started to get into the HI stage.

What are people’s opinions on maintaining a ‘running commentary’ on the HI contents? Sometimes I do this and sometimes I don’t. It’s certainly helpful in LDs, but attention gets divided between the thoughts and the dream-world so it must be carefully balanced. Do the experienced WILDers here talk to themselves about their HIs or maintain silence?

I know there are different kinds of meditation, but Yoga/Hindu type meditation (the type meant by most westerners when they say “meditation”) involves focusing on one thing without letting your mind wander, and thereby entering an altered state of consciousness. How is this different from WILD? The only difference I can think of is that WILD occurs when you would ordinarily be going to sleep, and meditation generally happens earlier in the day. Is this the only difference?

Hello all

I had an interesting one last night. I’m new to the lucid dreaming and have been barely doing this more than a week. Well I finally had the pleasure of a (very short) lucid dream.

I was having a normal dream and I was obviously triggered by something to make me realise it was a dream. Well every time this has happened I’ve been woken up (as another point, I can never remember the trigger!), but this time was different. I thought I was waking up, but I suddenly experienced what I would attribute to be a WILD. I’ve had an almost successful WILD before, where I reached the critical stage and unfortunately rolled over in my bed!! :wink: This time I heard a rushing in my ears and I started sinking into my bed and popped into my lucid dream.

My question is this, did I really have a WILD? Or did I dream it? And that caused my lucid dream? I guess I must have been conscious enough to know I was waking up. It must be one of these confusing ones you lot always seem to be discussing. I can’t be sure myself.

Well I’m glad I had at least that short time though, it’s certainly making me look forward to the next time!

It could well have been a WILD inside a dream, it’s happened to me a few times and other people too.

But in the end I reckon it doesn’t really matter whether you really did it or just dreamt doing it, the main thing is that it allowed you to become lucid! :happy:

I’d say it was a bona fide WILD. I don’t know about the rest of you, but all the times I’m in my bed in a dream, I am “awake” in the dream. I never have dreams where I have my eyes closed and I’m lying in bed. Ironically, such a dream would probably cause you to wake up.

I’ve had like seven fake WILDs. At least two other members of the boards have had them, just from what I’ve read. It’s pretty common, really.

I have experienced real and fake WILD in my dreams. I think it is due to the fact that I practice it a lot before going to sleep and so it is on my mind as I fall asleep.

i was thinking, wouldnt a fake LD i.e. dreaming that you are dreaming, not be properly lucid? because your dream conscience realises you are dreaming, and not you… i really find all this hard to think about :shy:

Dreaming that you are dreaming? Would that just be a dream? I am confused… :bored:

Well… if you are dreaming, you are within a dream, a dream that is not nested at all, so it is just the “dream”. If you try to WILD in that dream, then you are having a lucid dream in a sense, which is still a “dream”, but it is now nested once, so it is a “meta-dream”. And if you try and fall asleep in the meta-dream and have another dream… it is a “meta-meta-dream” etc.

However, I like to think of all dreams as being exactly the same, and not being nested at all (all dreams, even dreams within a dream, while chronologically nested, may not be nested in themselves). I would like it though if someone could tell me that they did at one time dream, have a meta-dream, and then wake up without returning to the original dream.

I didn´t read the whole thread,but i had this:

I was in my school,going home.Than i had the idea that i could travel faster through dreams.So i layed down on the street and went to sleep.
Now i was in the meta-dream,and at the same time this was a false lucid dream because i knew that i was dreaming.But i didn´t knew i was in a meta dream,i thought the school was real,so i weren´t lucid.My dream counciousness was still in control.

I have to correct myself,now i remember.
I DID wake up from the meta dream:
I met someone else in the meta-dream,and i wanted to gather proofs that shared dreaming is possible.But the DC just made fun of me,and i got angry.I told him that if he doesn´t help me,i just will end the dream.He continued laughing at me,and so i concentrated on waking up.This ended in a false awakening,i woke up at my grandmas house.I felt a bit strange,made a RC to be sure i am awake.The RC failed and now i was sure to be in the “real” world.
After that i woke up.

Wierd things can happen in dreams…

Hmmm… interesting. You didn’t return to the dream from the meta-dream, but you did move one step up the stack via a false awakening. So, perhaps dreams are stacked, and for every level you have to have one flase awakening to wake up. But, if I can get one example of someone DIRECTLY waking from a meta-dream (no FAs) then this would show that dreams are all at the same level and not stacked in anyway.

hmm… i often had meta-dream like experiences from which i woke up directly.But i didn´t thought that i am within a dream,but in a computer simulation.For example, i watched (in my dream) a film about a war or something,and then i was in the film but i knew that it is just a film (sort of false lucid).
But it isn´t a real meta-dream.
Hmm… i had also dreams that started with a meta-dream, i didn´t dreamed how i got to sleep.Instead the dream started with me in a dream that i knew was a dream, but it was a false lucid one.Then i awoke in the normal dream before awaking completly.Could also be that i only forgot how i got to sleep in my dream,though.
I am quite sure you can awake directly from a meta,but i can´t remember one time i did… strange


How many people here have found that when you try to do WILD, sometimes you can’t remember your dreams?

Most mornings, I can remember at least one dream I’ve had, and since I’ve been keeping a dream diary (since thursday) I’ve remembered them a lot clearer. Yesterday I was reading about WILD on the forum, and tried it for the first time last night, before I wen’t to bed, and then at 4 in the morning when I woke up again. But when I woke up in the night or in the morning I couldn’t remember any of my dreams. Does anyone know why his would be


Probably a coincidence. Alternate nights, doing WILD and not doing WILD. See if the effect continues. I doubt it will