dream characters killing

I think it would be actually pretty good for ones mental health, it may release ones aggression. As long as one is mature and smart enough to tell dreams from waking reality I think it is fine.

I think experiencing something in a dream could definitely help mentally prepare you for it in real life, for something like fighting or self defence.

Murder murder kill die maim bludgeon kill stab hack kill die murder cut shoot blow up smack whack bam bam bam zap bang splat squish fwap!

It’s all in your head. Kill everyone, even yourself, if it makes you happy. Sometimes I just fly around and blow stuff up. YEEEEHAH!

EDIT: 50th post. 2 stars. Hooray.

Some of you people make me nervous… :happy:

For a while ago, i had very violent LD’s. Or you could say i was destroying not only people but citiez out of anger and frustration of my normal life.
Then i felt a presance, an ancient spirit. She asked me what i was doing and i thought it was very odd. (Normal DC’s voices and thinking patterns are made up of my self, you can hear a whispering thought within youself as the DC’s are planning to speak or is speaking.) This DC wasnt a part of me and that just blew my mind. I freaked but her presance was soothing so i stayed clam. I just looked at her and then unwillingly I went into deep-sleep.So im thinking twice about killing/destroying things.

I thought it was funny when I mentioned LDing to someone who didn’t know what it was, his first idea was to kill our spanish teacher in his dream. :happy:

Ok, I’ve had some success with LDs - I know how real it can get in there. So here’s my prophecy: Someday, when LD is more widely known and practiced, someone is going to be on trial in RL for murder or rape or whatever, and his defense will be that he thought it was a Lucid Dream. He misread the Reality Checks. Anyone talked about this potential yet in this forum (I’m brand new here). What’s everyone’s thoughts on this ? Would it hold up in court? Make a good Scifi movie?
Peace out,

I don’t think so. While it is possible for people to mistake a dream for WL it is not likely that someone would mistake waking life fore a dream. When you are in a ND the part of you that thinks critically/rationally is not active and thus we accept the strange situations we find ourselves in as normal. But when we are awake our critical/rational thinking functions normally. I have never seriously wondered if I was dreaming while I was awake.

Now that does not mean that someone who commits a real crime won’t some day try to use a lucid dream defense I just doubt that they would be successful.

But it would make a good movie.

Someone’s suggested this possibility. It could happen, and probably will. It may already have, in fact. There are a few murder cases where people have used “the Matrix defense,” where they claimed they thought they were in the Matrix. A lucid dreaming defense would be very similar.

I don’t think it would get someone acquitted, but it might. Stranger defenses have.

But the really interesting thing would be whether a lucid dream defense would have a different spin on the insanity defense. Someone must be insane to think they’re in the Matrix, but if they thought they were dreaming because of a failed RC, they would be acting rationally.


I have the same opinion. I’ve never killed in an LD (though I did kill some guys in an ND). Don’t see why it would be positive.

On the other hand if I were to try to create a sci-fi episode in an LD, which involved killing an enemy etc, how would I do that? I don’t know… but perhaps I could get the DC to act like he was dead etc… Crazy idea, I know. But I’ve never done this yet…

In my openion, LD killing could actually prevent you from killing IRL.

Thats one of the reasons i need to have LDs. To blow off stress.

That is true. However, do you know how many insanity defenses are successful. Would it surprise you to know that it is less than 1%. That’s why the insanity defense is usually the defense of last resort.

I had not heard about the matrix defense. That’s one that missed me. Then again with the war and the election there is not much else on the news here.

think about it… isn’t it bad to begin with that you even want to go on a killing spree… where would you draw the limits?

Would you plug yourself into VR in 2053 and feel the murder in all it’s bloody goodness based upon accurate murder simulations that your mind (assuming you aren’t a killer) could never dream up on it’s own?

Dream killing has its place, namely, non-lucid violent dreams in which you feel a need to kill someone for some reason…

I see that as blowing off steam, I see that as your subconscious is pretty pissed off at something, and needs to surface…

but if you find yourself enjoying senselessly murdering people, what the hell?

These dream people are just as real as people in real life. They MIGHT only exist within your head, but regardless, YOU ARE THERE, aren’t you? You are in front of another human, posing no threat to you, and you think what the hell, let’s kill this woman… let’s kill her kids too… it’ll be fun.

That says a lot about you as a person.

The finger is ultimately pointed at society here, I mean… killing IS cool… it really is… I enjoy violent movies and the occasional violent video game… but I also recognize that they DO affect me, quite deeply in fact… I’ve been obsessing over Kill Bill lately, and I find myself sitting next to random people and imagining what it’d be like to blow off their heads.

it’d be “cool” i suppose, wouldn’t it?

You need to be careful with that kind of stuff… if the dream envrionment presents itself to you in a harmless violent way, like a matrix dream, or a war dream, and you are having a good time shooting people, and the people are having good times, and it’s just a fun game of killing each other all over the place… great… you probably had that dream to vent feelings or something.

If you are fully fully lucid and you walk up to an innocent DC and hack him to pieces… i can’t see a good reason for that… not unless you want the DC to fight you back for the sole sake of mindless fighting.

But to predatorially seek people, especially people you know, out, and to cold bloodely kill them, AGAINST THEIR WILLS… I’d say something is wrong there… if you target a DC and it screams and resists and bleeds, and you make a huge habit out of doing that to them.

As mentioned: it could be a real person, if not it’s a facet of your subconscious that you are being pretty lousy too.

It’s better not to do those things… you know… if the DC shows pain, fear, etc… and doesn’t just kind of blindly stare at you and act goofy while you “kill” it… I wouldn’t engage in that.

My problem though is rape… I’ve made a habit out of having sex with anything and everyone out there no matter how they react… and well… recently I changed my whole outlook on this and realized I probably shouldn’t be doing it.

***I think of an LD much like I’d think of us living in a world with NO consequences… what would you do if you could disappear, shape shift, avoid all punishment and consequences for your actions? Rob? Kill? Rape?

Dreams can be healthy for getting out repressed feelings, but I think those should be left to NORMAL dreams, or LDs which are clearly in the context of the scenario, like stumbling into a dojo or a warfield or something.

I’d also like to say that frequent LDing most certainly makes you feel weird and dissociated from reality… sometimes I wonder whether I’m dreaming or not… I think a guy could maybe go crazy and go on a killing spree, thinking it’s a dream…

and I’d also like to say that I do believe in shared dreaming, which is mostly why I take up these stances.

My feeling has always been to feel free to hack a slash your way through your LD ‘s I just suggest having some positive dreams as well to stay in balance. :yinyang:

Lucid dreaming is a safe place to explore our fantasies, have adventures, spiritual growth, and even for exploring your dark side. It can be a great outlet for a lot of negative energy and many people feel much better afterwards.

Happy Dreaming

Yes it’s best to have positive LD’s.

I don’t think killing characters in your LD is too good since they are part of yourself. Why would you kill a part of yourself?

That said, I can think that it is possible to get a DC to play the part of being killed. Without ‘really’ being killed. So they get up unharmed after the ‘acting’ is finished.

i second that :yinyang:

i think a better question would be: can you kill a part of yourself ??? to which i would answer: no

like milod said, it is all about balance, i think holy reality’s post has demonstrated a very powerful stigma we have toward doing negative things.

if i have a dream where my subconscious has me act aggressively, i don’t think “oh that’s alright because my subconscious had me do it and it was in the context of the dream” i wonder to myself "why did my subconscious have to lash out in the first place ??? " it was because i was out of balance and haven’t been consciously tending to my darker impulses so my subconscious had to pick up the slack

if i can consciously keep myself in balance, then perhaps my subconscious could attend to more important matters

=> holy reality, you say you like violent movies (kill bill was awesome btw) and violent video games, but then go on to say that one shouldn’t use their LDs as an outlet for said violence unless it was in the context of the dream… why not ???

a lucid dream is a super-realistic video game, if you have the urge to go around and senselessly murder some people even if it’s outside of the context of your dream… go for it !!! too much negative energy with no outlet is why people go on killing sprees in WL, they just fill up until they explode… why not attend to these darker impulses in your lucid dreams ??? i’d say it’s not only a healthy thing to do, but a responsible thing to do

i’m not arguing that one should give themselves wholly over to negativity… it’s like milod said, negativity needs to be balanced w/ positivity… an imbalance either way is dangerous… too much positivity and you get self-righteous evangelists who are blind to the pain they are causing with their actions… too much negativity and you get a hitler

I compleatly agree with oneiromancer

I have often used my LD ‘s to exact “creative justice” against wrongs I felt were committed against me in WL. I can tell you I was not genital or fair. Yet in spite of it I would wake up and feel great.

We all have angry feelings and dark thoughts they are always with us and are a part of us. To explore them is to learn more about ourselves.

To suppress them in my opinion would be unhealthy.

This part of ourselves that we don’t want to acknowledge will find a outlet sooner or later. It my be as: sudden bursts of anger like getting into an argument with some store clerk, ulcers, high blood pressure, migraine headache are just a few examples of what we do to ourselves when we suppress these feelings we have.

Giving yourself an outlet in your LD is healthy and normal and far better than the alternatives.

What fun is there in that? None of it is real any way.

Why? In a LD you can confront and deal with theses feelings in a safe environment. In a ND your reason for doing these things are unclear so you don’t really get closure with it but, in a LD you can.

Remember, in the end, it is no different than playing a video game.

I killed myself many DC. That’s no problem when you don’t have too great abilities. But remember that these characters are part of yourself and that their power evolves with yours. Some years ago, I began merging dream characters. With 10 of them for example, you almost make a dream god. A very powerful one. And when it becomes a habit, you begin to meet very powerful characters in non-lucid dreams, because some parts of you are used to do this alone - because of your LD experiments ! If you have too much agressive schemes in your psyche, you will then have very bad dreams, because you will be chased be powerful demons created by your own experiments. Even if you become lucid, it can be difficult. After 1000 LD or more, there are some characters I can’t overpower (let’s say a 150 feet fire demon). But I must confess that such characters only appeared after my merging experiments.

To see how you deal with your powerful DCs, you can try an experiment. During an OBE, go under you mattress and jump in the void, toward the lower levels. Call after the “mattress demon”. He is a great black shape which is “only” the equivalent of the merging of 8-10 DC (let’s say : a natural result of all your negativity). All my friends who searched for him found him. It seems to be a common psychic structure.
And when you find him… good luck !

Since I have been LD ing I have had few if any nightmares. I think giving your negative energy an outlet you actually cure nightmares.

Don’t get me wrong I do not advocate the whole sale slaughter of DC in your dreams and in every dream. (Though it is ok if you do) I believe you should keep everything(including your dreams) in balance. :yinyang:

I believe that any DC only has what power I give them.

Happy Dreaming :smile:

Milod, dream research mentioned by Laberge in ETWOLD says that aggressive behaviour towards DC’s will result in new DC dream avengers attacking you.

You don’t have any?