Mozilla Firebird

i must say it’s good that so many people are at least willing to give none microsoft products ago - most of which seem to prefer the suggestions lol. I know many people who diss microsoft products endlessly but won’t change to something else - i find that kind of funny.

I must say i am loving this browser and although it can be inconvenient dloading some of the plugins like shockwave again i think it’s worth the extra effort.

Me! Give Microsoft products a go. You insult me. Lol. Microsoft has produced the worst software and OSs. So what is mozilla? (Not firebird)

just to note that Mozilla Firebird has been renamed (again) to FireFox and Mozilla FireFox v0.8 is now availible.

Personally i am sticking with Firebird until the final V1 version is complete as i have had no problems.

I’ve just installed firefox. I can’t notice much changes, but I think it is even faster than before. Where as I had to wait for the forum to load for a short time, it seems to appear instantly now.

Then again…

I downloaded Firefox a few hours ago and it seems to be better than IE. But it actually crashed for me while browsing. Otherwise i like it.

i occationally have been having “flash errors” since installing FireFox - though i have had no problems with firebird.

No crashes myself with either version. I’m not sure if FF is a little slower/faster than FB or not (Internet problems) - either way still beats the pants off of IE.

Darn it Firefox is inferior to Firebird (less compatibility with plugins, especially with my most important one- Tab Browser Extensions, I can’t install that without Firefox crapping out! But I’m too lazy to reinstall Firebird…

Really? I have had sucees installing plugins etc. It seems to just be the same as firebird. Hopefully there next release will solve all problems. What will it be next, fire… (I.E. complete it)

just to note some of the firebird extentions will not work of FireFox you will need the firefox versions. I don’t use any extentions on either just the java/flash/shockwave plugins.

Firefox is better. I use tabbrowser extensions so I can browse multiple sites in one window.

i dunno about it being better. It’s virtually identical to firebird though it kept shutting down on me on some sites so i’d stuck with firebird till the next release.

FireFox is Firebird renamed and improved…

[color=indigo]Get Yourself a Firefox as soon as You can! :tongue: And then speed it up even more:
Type about:config in the address bar and change the following values:
(doubleclick on each entry and enter the new value; if the preference does not exist, just manually add it to the list)

browser.turbo.enabled = true
network.http.max-connections = 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server = 16
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy = 8
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 4
network.http.pipelining = true
network.http.pipelining.firstrequest = true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 8
network.image.imageBehavior = 0
nglayout.initialpaint.delay = 0
content.notify.ontimer = true
content.notify.interval = 100
content.notify.backoffcount = 200

WOW! :content: [/color]

Well i edited those in Firebird and it is a little faster and thats on 56k cool.

I use firefox 0.8 too, it has all functions of netscape 7 and is lighter !

i second that. I made the switch from netscape to mozilla firefox last week.

Mozilla FireFox V0.9 is now availlible for download from the site :smile:

Ahh. Had Firebird for a long time, found out there was an update about a week ago and now I’m the proud owner of Firefox. :content:

Don’t deny it, you love mouse gestures just as much as me!

lol nazca you probably have the 0.8 version if you got it last week LOL

It just so happens that you’re right, I’m running 0.8…Not that it really matters, because it doesn’t sound like there’s a big diff between .8 and .9…But I’m going to get it anyway and it might take a while on my 56k connection. :cry: