Who'se had the most LD's in 1 night?

I’ve never had more than 1 (i think), in 1 night.

But I’ve heard of people having 3 in one night.

Whats the most you guys have had in 1 night?


I have had 2 in one night.

I’m really new at this, but I guess I could say I’ve had two in one night. I had a lucid dream, woke up, kept my eyes closed, and after a few seconds I was asleep and lucid again (I think it was the same dream - I was just across the road to where the last one ended).

i’ve had four… but i know some people sa they’ve had … thats one every rem cycle… i think? or maybe more than one… but i’m not sure how that works

I technically had 6 in one night but one was really short and it was barely luicd…so I’ll say 5. Lucidity Master has had 6 in one night. When me and Lucidity Master were racing each other last month I managed to get 5 in one night for at least a weeks worth of nights I think! I don’t sleep long enough to get more. My normal amount if I’m trying is 3 a night.

Hey Pedro,
that really is a remarkable achievement,


How long have you been lucid dreaming for?
and what is your best hint for a novice who remembers his dreams but never remembers he is dreaming even in the most foolish situations (eg. Seeing your pet crocodile in your garage when you dont really own a croc). :razz:


Twice I’ve had 4 LDs during one night. But 6 in one night is an amazing accomplishment indeed! Some time ago I’ve read about a guy who used WBTB for the first time and instantly he had 29 LDs in 5 nights. This seems almost unbelievable to me :wink:

I have had a few nights with like somewhere between 5-10, but i really do not count them, as most of them only lasted for a few seoncds… I have seem to have this ld spree’s after a night of drinking beer… :smile:

I guess around 3LD’s would be real number if i count the good quality ones…

Yeah I don’t actually count little short mini-lds as LDs. So when I say I had 5 LDs I mean 5 fully lucid, long-lasting LDs.

Hey Stranger (sounds like a pick up line…) hmmm ur not very aware if you don’t become lucid after seeing ur pet croc! Hmm. I take it u RC during the day? And I assume you do them all the time? Well the only real advice I can give is remember to ask seriously if you are dreaming during the day. Even though you KNOW ur awake…ask seriously! Look for evidence and imagine that the world around you COULD be a dream so be careful. If you think like this everyimte you RC then it should improve awareness for next time you dream…

i have had 5 cuz this thing wont let me put only 5

most i’ve had was 3 in a night

I’ve had 5 in a night before… quit the surprise, as I can’t remember any time I’ve had more than one in a night. I think that night was due to my pistachio discovery.

cool :smile:

2 very long ones.

The most I’ve ever had in one night was 5.

I’ve had a few with 4, and a ton with 3. Three or four seems to be like a cut-off point for me.

The most I had was 5 long fully lucid dreams in one night.

I’ve had 6 long vivid LDs in one night.

I think I’ve more than this one other night but I stopped counting them a while ago so I don’t really know.