Competition Rankings for February

You can make that +1 for Napoleon :smile:
Hoping to make some good progress in the future

Please take me off the list. I’ve had about 5 to 7 LDs this month, but can’t remember it properly. Maybe even less actually…

If I can have 12 more LDs this month then it will be my record :happy:

One more! This month seems to be a great ld month, even though it started slow… :happy:

another 1 plz 24 now glad this is a leap year lol we get an extra day…sort of in a umm dw

Another short one for me

After a whole string of prelucid dreams, finally another 2 real LDs last night. So 8 in total.

7 now!

another 1 plz 25 now

Had one more LD - too brief… total is 3.


2 more to add

Two more for me.

9 here

had 2 WILDs tonight :happy: Both them where kinda short though, around +/- 5min each…

You can add 1 for ma also :smile:

Thats 2 now

Seems to be a very good month for me :grin: . Another two tonight.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is a “prelucid” dream? Just a normal dream, I presume?

A prelucid dream is when you suspect you are dreaming but you don’t know for sure. There should be a thread about lucid levels. Try using the search button.

I’ve past last month’s record and I wasn’t trying anywhere near as hard as last time! Last time was fraaaaaaaaaaantic. So I must be improving :grin: