Telling your DC's about dreams you've had....or having!

Has anyone ever had a dream and then told their DC 's about it?

I’ve done this so many times, and it really annoys me!

I had one where I’d got out of my car cos it got stuck in a tree :neutral: I walked down the road and started telling my friend that I just had a really wierd dream about my car being stuck in a tree…

…the other day I had a dream where I was listening to a dj, and then me and some mates walked off, I realised I was dreaming, and said “ooh I’m dreaming” The girl next to me said “ooh are you? Cool” (finally a DC that doesn’t convince me otherwise! :cool_laugh: ) and then I woke up…but I hadn’t but anyway I went back to ‘sleep’ and became Lucid again (first time ever I’ve had an FA and actually got REAL lucidity from it) I was on a bus with the girl and I was telling her about this dream I just had about a really crappy dj…then I realised I was still dreaming and was quite annoyed…

Anyone else do this? :confused: And share your experiences! :content:

Oh yes! Definently had dreams like that.

Heck! I’ve had a dream where I was telling a DC about how I am working on remembering and writing my dreams down. Then the DC says “Well don’t forget to write this dream down when you wake up.” I say, “yeah your right.” Then I wake up and start writing the dream down. Then “Hey, that was a dream! Duh!” :happy:

Gosh, thankx for reminding me of that dream Pistgurl. Very interesting stuf. Dreams within dreams!

I feel like reading Edgar Allen Poe’s poems. I bet he was a lucid dreamer!

My best friend is in my dreams alot and if I get lucid I usually tell him that I’m dreaming and drag him along into my 20 second long adventures :tongue: . Luckily he doesn’t try to convince me that I’m not dreaming.


But I had an LD last night (yay!), and strait after it, I had another dream. And in the second dream, all I did was think about the LD i had just had…

Though the most annoying part is, that I was taking RCs like crazy in the second dream - but they just weren’t working… :sad:

Be glad you realised!

last night I had a dream that I was looking after all my rabbits (and I don’t have rabbits by the way!) and a guy cut his skin off in my bedroom (think hannibal!) and then I got up out of bed and there were all my friends in my room and I was writing down my dream in my DD and telling all my friends what this guy looked like and how it was wierd cos I wasn’t scared…the annoying thing is when I woke up I didn’t write my dream down cos I thought I’d already done it, and then I forgot all about the fact that I had another dream and didn’t write that one down, and now I can’t remember my other dreams which is REALLY annoying cos I know one was really cool!

yeah i get that!!!
like ill be showing a teacher my Dream diary or i will wake from an LD in my dream (FA) and then write it down-but ill do it in a way i wouldnt usualy like brainstorming it or somthing. My very first induced LD ended when i had an FA and then ended up telling my friends about this dream within my dream and then i woke up. Oh well-dont we seem stupid in our dreams?

Isn’t that the truth? Hahaha…

The only experience I had that was close to this was I became lucid and a DC was trying to convince me that I was not dreaming. Fortunately I did not believe her and made her go away and then continued with my LD.

yeah once i was in an LD when suddenly a group of people come up to me and tell my im actually in a tv show!!! I was real confussed but thay made me lose lucidity-grrrr decieving dream folk


I do this often too :smile: I will have a recurring dream and tell the DC’s in that dream “wow, how cool to meet you finally IRL, you know i have dreamt about this”

just the other day i dreamt i was in my childhood home and saw the parrot. We had a parrot when i was little and it is a recurring dream symbol for me. I was looking at the cage and it felt so real like it used to be IRL. i said to my mum DC: you know i dream about this a lot, but how can i, since it is still real :help:

all the time… like this one time i dreamed i was in band and i decided to lay down and have an OBE, so I did, and I had one, and when I came back and “woke up” out of it, I told the people around me about it, blissfully unaware that i was still dreaming.

i hate it when that happens, but it’s pretty funny.

I’ve only done that one. I had 2 dreams one night that both took place in the same setting. In the second dream I told a DC about the events that took place in the earlier dream. I was retroactively pissed that I didnt’ realize it was a dream at the time.

it is more evidence that our dream intellect is not very-ah-intellectual…
this topic has been on my mind on and off and i have thought of yet another example.i was at school with a bunch of guys and i was lucid but…all these DCs were also lucid-it was weord dream in which me and these people all spoke about the whole situation. Then in the morning i met with these people and we had a cool conversation about the dream we had shared and then i woke up for real!

:bounce: My 1000th post!!! :bounce:

Yeah I’ve done this very much too. Mostly the DCs don’t pay much attention to it, or they act as if they don’t understand it…
Two nights ago I dreamed this: I was standing on the roof of my house, looking over the garden. Some guy was standing next to me. In the distance I saw myself running away from an attacker. Instantly I remembered lots of nightmares from the past in which I ran away from the attacker, but never was able to jump over the fence. Instead of becoming lucid, I told the guy next to me about me running away in the distance, and that I’d dreamed about this very often in the past. He just nodded with a mysterious smile…

This happens to me alot…i.e. I will dream about writing down my dream in my DD when in fact I actually, I have not written anything in my DD. In fact, I started to try to use this as a dreamsign but it hasn’t worked for me yet…

It sounds pretty annoying to have such experiences but at the same time I find so much humor and irony in them. I’m waiting for the first time that I pass up an LD opportunity and have a DC smile at my blunder. Well, the more you become accustomed to such, the closer you’ll be next time to actually becoming lucid.

*Finally up to four stars (I think). It’s 250, right? Oh, nevermind. :bored:

I’m glad this thread’s doing so well!

Stupid dreams…Yesterday I had a dream much like a previous dream…don’t know why, yet again, I didn’t reaise I was dreaming!
I was ‘dreaming’ and so was this black haired girl, we decided to try and become lucid (which really is a stupid idea sine we already knew we were dreaming, but weren’t lucid!) and we became lucid, and I tried out some stuff, and lost lucidity, and then me and the girl were talking about how this dream was really cool, but how we wished we were lucid again!!!

I don’t understand what the difference was between lucidity and not…stupid dream-me…

lol, it’s so wierd…

Definately. An unfortunate dream there.