Fighting tactics?

LOL. That’ll work!

lol… i just got a vision of a magician with a top-hat… “riiiiiight… what’s in here… a rabbit! pulls out rabbit… An uzi! pulls out gun… 4 hot chicks pulls 4 hot chicks out of the tophat” hehe… if only it were that easy irl eh? :wink:

i want that hat :happy:

sno is totaly right :happy:. there are heaps of ways but you do have to find one that is right for you. I know that i cant make guns appear in my dreams very often and if i try it ends up being an invisable gun, i know this has to do with my belif (or amybe the fact that i think guns are cheats way out :razz:) so i fight with my hands :happy: u could try that

i think i should lay of the :happy: for a bit

soanyway, you could always try and clap your hands twice and one appears or pull it out from your pocket or just pretend your holding it and trick one into being there lke “ok take on step closer bad ass deamon dude and a un will appear in my hand and totaly blast you away” so da deamon steps forwarda nd say ood night as a gun appears in your hands and blasts the deamon away

yep I agree,

if you want something to happen in a LD, just make it happen by KNOWING it will happen.

If you understand that YOU are in control you can do it.

its like flying too…why can you fly in a LD? Because you ‘know’ you can.


One thing that has worked for me is akting like I have a weapon. I just held up my hands like I had a pistol and pretended to pull the trigger. And like magic a gun appeared in my hands. The bad thing is that the bullets just went right through the guy I was shooting. Then again when he shot me the same thing happened.

how did that feel, the bullets passing through you btw?

That was actually the one which pushed me over when scanning your post “eek, too much :happy:

I didn’t feel it at all. It was like I was air. When the man was about to shoot me I said “you can’t hurt me, this is just a dream”, I think that’s why I didn’t get hurt.

That’s happened to me too, I didn’t feel anything either.

lol yer soz bout the :happy: it is kinda a… well habbit over msn lol

so u didnt feel anything. interesting. thank you for that

Hmmm… how about I visulize a dog behind me… lets give this dog a name, how about DrDog! Now… my friend told me to suggest this dog character to the Shadowbane forums… they did not like it lol!.. but, this would be very funny dog to have fight for you in your dream:

DrDog has a strap on dildo on his head, and he is a golder retriever. And his toy shoots lazer beams at bad guys! Actually, after I summon a weapon into my dream… I will try to get DrDog to reak havok on my enemies in my dreams lol! Can you just picture a dog running around and disingrating people with a sex toy! lol! :eek:

Watch The Matrix Trilogy, The One, Underworld and you’ll be pretty much armed to the teeth with loads of differebt fighting moves to pull off on yer stupid oponenets :cool:.

what bothers me is my weapons are always toys

like this one time i put my hands behind my back, envisioned swords, felt them in my hands, and drew them… and they were like 3 inches long and plastic…

then i made them bigger and they looked real for a second but then turned plastic and wobbly again

imagines what freud would have to say about small wobbly swords

but that works very well, willing things to be from places out of your line of vision.

also whenever i shoot people nothing happens to them or they fall over but there’s no blood.

and i want there to be, you know? an interactive fps of sorts.

Oh, please, not Freud! :angry:

You could try to summon someone who is bigger than you, or better at fighting, if you are lucid. Once, a sea serpent appeared and swept away all the baddies. You will get the idea if you have ever played final fantasy.

I have an idea on those lines - you could summon a giant robot (like those classical mechas) to fight them!

You don’t need anything but your mind. It is the most powerful weapon know to man.

Perhaps it’s easier to imagine/create/use a weapon in a LD when you are either comfortable with it in RL or you train yourself to be comfortable with in LD’s. When you are in need of a dream weapon, you are likely in a fearful/stressful situation. Therefore, you are at a bit of a disadvantage, and that’s why most people end up abandoning their attempts to conjure what they really want, and settle for what’s easy.

Many times, one of first things I do when I realize I’m dreaming is arm myself. Depending on the overall atmosphere of the dream, I either carry a curved knife (in my right hand, or attached to my right hip for easy access) or I conjure a sort of energy that protects my body. The energy thing is easy, because I do a lot of meditating, etc. in RL. The knife is easy because I found it in a LD years ago, and usually have no problem making it appear at will. I’ve tried several times to conjure 2 knives–one for each hand. But I’m right-handed in RL and that seems to carryover and handicap me in LD’s, so I find myself struggling to create a left-handed knife. Unfortunately, unlike the previous poster, I’ve never thought about conjuring dildo-wearing dogs…

At least, in dreams…hope nobody thought s/he meant real life! :eh:

i did i did, but i have reason to think so hey Jon. soz man couldnt make it btw… grr stupid dreams, most powerful weapon true, Mind taht wil ldo what i want it 2? not here