The BIG WILD Topic - Part XI

Another really handy thing when you try to slow down your brainwaves:

Try to imagine a stair or an elevator. Imagine that you are walking down the stairs, first person, imagine how you go down further and further and you will see that you will get closer and closer to WILD.

I like to imagine descending about 10 steps on a stair, and after that stepping into an elevator, really imagining the feeling of going down a few floors. After that, I stop the visualizing and I try to feel how much ‘deeper’ I have gone in my mind for a few seconds, before descending the next stair, etcetera. Try it!

Like a hypnosis staircase then… I see…

This morning I think I got really close to finally having a WILD, but I will ask you guys and see what you think.

I had just awakened from a normal (dream-induced) LD and wanted to reenter it, so I didn’t move a muscle but closed my eyes and just started counting “1, I’m dreaming…2, I’m dreaming…etc” Eventually there was a loud snap of noise followed by the color blue which encompassed my vision. After the snap of noise, I could hear calm, classical music playing in my head.

However, something happened…I think I just dozed off without becoming lucid…but I think I was close.

Ok here is the thing with WILD.

First you obviously need to get into a deep state of relaxation.(easier if you use WBTB) (Meditation, self hypnosis, Various WILD methods what ever works for you)

As you relax yourself deeper you will approach the hypnoga where you may experience some or all of the following (HI, hypnotic sounds, strange body sensations (floating, falling, vibes, feel like you are not breathing and even feel like you are having seizures ). All of this is harmless and normal. (Your body is going to sleep while your mind is awake) Try not to let these feelings frighten you and don’t get excited either. Any strong emotion or feeling will bring you bact to waking state.

This hypnogia is a barrier you need to cross to enter the dream. The only way to cross this is for your mind to be calm and still. You need to let go of all of your thoughts and allow yourself to be pulled into the hypnogia. You have to only maintain a very slight bit of your consciousness. I think counting takes too much thought but, some people say they do it with counting so, I won’t discount it. With HI you want to just be aware of HI but not paying too much attention to it.( To use an analogy above, like when you are watching TV but not really paying attention.)

It would be impossible to address every method in one post. If you have a question about a particular method feel free to ask. Im sure either myself or others will be able to comment on it.

Just keep in mind that the key is to let go of almost every thing and then just allow things to happen. I know this sounds complicated but it really isn’t.

Happy Dreaming

Cool, that jut reminded me of very cool happenings as I go to sleep sometimes, except I doubt it’s WILD related, cos I’m always moving around when this happens. After I’ve finally found a comfortable position to lay in, I get this feeling that my whole body is floating to the right, it’s really wierd, I hope that happens if I ever do WILD properly, cos it’s really nice, and doesn’t make me feel ‘frightened’ or anything.


Yes that is one of the ways I have entered a dream. Only instead of being pulled to the right I usually feel myself being pulled down to the foot of my bed.

Next time this happens to you let yourself go even more. Things may go very quickly from hear you may even feel like you are having a seizure but you are not. Just keep letting yourself go and you will very likely find yourself standing next to your bed. Fully Lucid in a dream.

I usually (and accidentally) match the counting with my breathing, thus it always increments at a constant rate. Unless I start breathing slower - which I probably do as I get more relaxed and tired…


I have a quick question. When I use WILD I found that counting always kept me too awake to cross over into the dream. When I do use counting I will only do it to the point where I start to see HI. Then I will stop counting and shift my awareness to something else until I enter the dream. How do you use counting to actually enter the dream. I like to try out different techniques but, counting is one I could never get to work.

Thanks and

Happy Dreaming

Yes… the key is to drop your conscious level before you can cross over into the dream world. Your consciousness is a barrier… something that prevents you from being able to enter successfully. You just have to let it go bit by bit.

Also other key is to focus on something. It doesn’t have to be breathing. You can watch your black vision turning into a powerful imagination or something. Analogy: You have to pay attention on something cuz you’re going to take a test on that. (like other analogy… you gotta watch that movie cuz you gotta have this test). If you don’t have something to focus on, well you might find yourself waking up several hours later without any lucid dreams which can be annoying.

Other good relaxation technique. Imagine that you’re spinning like a top. It will instantly put you into a good trance. You can just continue imagining to spin like a top with your arms extended until you find yourself actually spinning in your dream body! It’s an excellent technique, but it requires a large amount of concentration though. It might work or not for you. Experiment. :wink:

Good luck!

Most of the time I use it in a similar way as yourself. I count until I notice my mind wandering randomly (and sometimes losing track of what number I’m up to), then I generally stop and begin focusing on something visual until I’m actually asleep. Otherwise I tend to concentrate too much on counting, and I never allow myself to ever get to sleep.

Thanks for the reply

That is pretty much what I figured.

I have not met anyone who can count into the dream like is explained in EWLD.

Don’t get me wrong I am perfectly happy with the WILD ‘s I get with the techniques that do work for me. I just like to experiment with different techniques now and then. So far I have never been able to make just counting work. It will take me close but, I usually have to stop counting and focus on something else to cross over.

Happy Dreaming

So here’s an interesting question - what’s good to focus on when sp is coming on (for those of uswho have weak HI)…

That is interesting! Every time SP is slwly coming on, I get excited and all, and my mind gets thinking really fast and my heart beats very fast; how to just focus the right way?

What do you mean “weak HI”? Do you find it difficult to maintain a mental image of something in your waking imagination?

My advice concerning WILD is to focus as much as possible on the pictures in your head. If you’re concentrating on your breathing, heartbeat or any external sensations, then you’re being distracted. Your attention should be fixed exclusively on your mind’s own creations. Picture an object or scene in as much detail as you can. I often use a book or other every-day construct so I can more easily hold onto the image. If you want, you can also use a complete scene or room. Try to take as much detail into account as you can, like light sources, materials, proportion, etc. The idea is to confine your concentration to your imagination, and let it wander away from the real world. This allows you to remain conscious while the (hopefully) ignored aspects of your physical condition slowly fall asleep.

It’s not fast. I often get close to falling asleep 3 or 4 times consecutively before I finally do (-conscious or not). It’s very easy to notice some hypnagogics and become distracted, reminding yourself that you’re actually laying in bed, and possibly damaging your chances of getting to sleep until you can sufficiently occupy yourself again.

Last evening I managed to WILD by concentrating on an imaginary triangle…

During the night I tried to do the same after I woke up, and didn’t succeed!
It was more difficult during the night and I lost consciousness and lapsed into an ND.
Perhaps I should try a real (simple) object next time…

OK, last night I had a FA (I think) and I stretched but I couldn’t see my arm and I realised my arm was still on my stomach, and I couldn’t lift it up, so I went back to sleep. Is this what real SP is like? Cos I’m not really sure if it was an FA or real!

When I try to WILD I usually focus on my body until I start feeling totally relaxed. When I’m relaxed it feels like some energy going through my body every time I breath out. And about 1-2 minutes before I fall asleep a muscle usually jerks. Then I start focusing on what I see, usually I get some random images that fade away very fast, then I really have to concentrate so that I don’t fall sleep. Most of the time I fail and fall asleep. About once a week I start dreaming and know I’m dreaming, but so far I haven’t been able to hold on to the dream for more tham a few seconds. I try to WILD every night and I have found that for some reason I can’t even get close if I do it at any other time than when I go to bed. All my WILDs to far have been accidental.


I have tried WILD since some months but I never come in the state of SP. It’s almost every time the same. I come in a state when the thoughts become faster and faster and after a time they take me with them.

So what can u do then to keep the control and not to be pulled in an unconsciousness sleep? If I try to concentrate on that what I see or my body feeling I forget this after a short time. Sometimes I remember again and again for a short while on what I wanted to concentrate but then forget this again and after some of this cycles I fall asleep.

If sb can gimme some help what I should do I would be much appreciated.

This is what happens with me, though I didn’t think it was actually anything to do with WILD, I thought it was just bipolar head rushing. I’d like someone with some good experience to explain this too then! Wow…oh and welcome!


Very true, though I find that if I get too involved with the HI I will often find that they send me a one way ticket to unconscious sleep. So I watch them but also with a slight detachment from them. I am aware of everything I see but don’t allow myself to get absorbed in them.

I decided ton try this last night. I can create a falling sensation very well so I thought spinning might be just as easy. It did not work quite the way I wanted and I fell asleep. Though my concentration was not at it’s best last night either. Any way I did have a short DILD later and a WBTB/WILD with my own method anyway. I am going to keep trying that spinning technique and see what happens. I’ll try again tonight.


Try and just create a small white dot in the center of your forehead in between your eyebrows. It does not matter if you actually see the dot or not. Just keep your attention focused at that area. Let yourself go and keep relaxing and stay focused in that one area. As you allow yourself to drift away you should start to see flashes of colors eventually shapes and so on.