HORRIBLE Dream Recall

My dream recall is horrible. I go to bed with the intention of remembering my dreams but I NEVER remember any part of them. The last time I remembered a dream fragment was around 2 months ago and that was before I really knew about lucid dreaming. Its really frustrating and I dont really know where to go from here, because it seems like there are no techniques for remembering dreams other than saying an intention before bed and using a DJ, both of which I am doing right now with no success.

DukeLord-I used to have the same problem. To solve it I tried mint tea, melatonin, vitamin B6, vitamin B complex, kavakava, hypnosis, brain wave generators and none worked for certain. What does work however is Calea. You may smoke it during the day and need not wait until before bedtime. It remains in the system similar to pot.

Smoke about three or four joints and use a water pipe to filter out the harshness and tars. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how many vivd dreams you will have in a single night. In fact I get so many that I grew weary of recording them all in my journal after a while.

Also, check out the thread on Calea on this site. Go to the search box at the top of the page and type in Calea and it will take you there. Happy dreams. :smile:

Is Calea a drug like weed?

No it is not. I believe you can buy it in any GNC, pharmacy and even many supermarkets.
I don’t know much about it as far as how well it works/safety.


How are you sleeping? If you are getting little or no sleep you will have poor dream recall.
Are you using drugs/ alcohol? Most will kill REM (dreaming) sleep.

Calea is definetely not a drug and is legal to smoke.

But now I have a thought. Since Calea is able to produce vivid dreams so clearly that they can be easily remembered, it stands to reason to me that it may be helpful in enhancing our memories also in the waking state.

I would love to hear Atheist’s viewpoint on this. :help:

Well I consider myself an insomniac and usually have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep the entire night. I’m not really sure how bad my insomnia is though, how long should it take to fall asleep from the time you enter bed? Sometimes it can take me up to 2.5 hours. No, I am not using any drugs/alcohol.

In other words, the intelligent, rational, skeptical viewpoint? :wink:

Well, personally I would say that it may work; I have no idea what calea does to the brain.


Actually, what is more important is how long you sleep for. Ideally you should get at leased 8 hours sleep but, if you are at least in the 6-8 hour range you should still be able to improve your dream recall and work on lucid dreaming.

When I suffered with insomnia and was getting like 4 or 5 hours per night and I did not have good dream recall.

You might want to consider seeking treatment for the insomnia. A good start would be to your regular doctor.

If there is no physical cause of the insomnia, it is usually treated with medication. Depending on the medication you should still be able to improve your dream recall and you can still have lucid dreams even on the medication.

I got my self off the medication by studding meditation and hypnosis.

try going to sleep at exactly the same time every night and waking up at the same time.
If you use an alarm clock get it to play music instead of a buzzer or the buzzer may jolt you and make you forget about your dream.
Keep on doing those affirmations 'I will remember my dream, I will write down my dream! I will remember"
Drink mint tea, It’s a win/win situation. If it doesn’t work at least it’s good for you and tastes great! (once you get used to it)
Good luck! :peek:

:happy: Well I finally remembered either a dream fragment or a full dream (not sure). I woke up this morning and fell back asleep. Upon awakening I remembered a dream in which I had been surfing this site and writing down a list of food that I wanted my mom to buy for me. The list had on it mint tea and I remember that I couldnt remember the other food I needed and was searching all over this site for it. The funny thing is that the night before I was on this site actually reading about mint tea, calea z and other foods/herbs. The only thing that I think I did differently from other nights is that I used the Suneye method of remembering. I focused on my third eye and kept telling myself “Tonight will be the night that I remember my dream.” The wierd thing was that I think I dreamt that dream in the few minutes after I woke up and fell back asleep, or maybe it just seemed that way.

That’s good news, dream recall is essential. Affirmations definitely work (well they work for me but I’m too still lazy to set my intention every night before falling asleep), a good night of sleep is also very helpful. I am having bad dream recall now because I had some accidents with WBTB where I didn’t manage to fall asleep again and suffered accumulated sleep deprivation night after night. Take care of your sleep.

that’s so great! I think just getting into the habit of trying to remember your dreams will help a lot because you’re more in tune with what you’re doing and you actually think every morning about what you dreamed before

JUst keep writing those dreams down and soon you’ll be remembering dreams all the time!


Excellent :ok:

Some times that is all it takes is a strong desire to remember your dreams. Keep it up and don’t forget to write your dreams down. Very important later.