The future

My dreams sometimes show me what will happen the next day or simply show the future eg, a scene in the matrix, my locker being stolen from. Anyone know WHY?

It’s largely open to interpretation. Depending on what you believe regarding the nature of the mind, and whether it exists beyond the physical brain or not. :smile:

I think people tend to underestimate the brain’s ability to form predictions, particular when it’s not under direct conscious control (ie, when you’re awake or, to a lesser degree, lucid dreaming). Often I’ll dream about an event or conversation, only to have it actually happen over the following few days. This could be my subconscious predicting what’s likely to occur based on previous events - or it could be some kind of paraphysical oddity allowing me to see through the fabric of space and time. My faith is with the first suggestion, but everyone’s entitled to form their own conclusion.

atheist… always the scientist… but actually, i had never thought about it that way… the brain is basically an organic computer, regular computers can extrapolate beyond the data they’re given, why can’t the brain ??? might be on to something there…

anyway, i don’t think i’ve had any dream that predicted any future event (obviously predicted it anyway) i’ve had some predict futures that i desired but i don’t think any of them came true :sad:

It sounds like you are having precognative dreaming. Sometimes they come true some don’t.

I have experienced precognition many times over the past month. I would think along the lines of your brain just synthesizing the past together to make predictions of what the future holds, but I don’t think that precognition is anything more than predictions.

I don’t really think that my brain put together anything on these occasions, it was completely random stuff that suddenly happened the day after. I had nothing to trigger these dreams at all. Strange, but it would be cool to control it.

So it is either coicidence or lucky guesses. I think that our subcouncious absorbs enough to make that kind of a lucky guess though.

This morning while lying in bed I had a type of precognition. I hear a telephone ringing in my head, and it was very different from the phone in my appartment. Five seconds after I heard the ring the phone in my appartment rang.

LOL… nothing too cool, but a fun coincidence.

Similarly, I know somebody who dreamt it was raining, and when he woke up… it was raining! Spooky :eek: :om:

maybe, you do accept the possibility that it could be precog though right?
there is no such thing yet in our society as 100% proof so you’ve got to be able to accept every possibility, but believe whichever you prefer