walking through walls

Running into a wall don’t work for me. I usually end up throwing up my arms in front of me at the last second and crash into it… :bored:

Jumping or falling backwards into the wall worked though. But I guess the real challenge would be to do it slowly, starting with your fingertip, hand, arm upper body and so on… :happy:

That was the only time I have succeeded in walking through a wall. All the other times I have tried I have only gotten my hand through. I think I have spent 5 or 6 LDs trying to walk through walls. Once I just held my hand infront of the wall and the wall started coming towards me and I got all the way inside the wall before the wall went back. It was about the same as when neo touched the mirror and got covered in liquid metal in the first matrix movie. Felt very cool :cool:

Walking through walls is… cool!

Some time, I walked through a cold metal door. I could really feel the metal crossing my body, which was a very funny feeling!

Walking through a mirror is what I wish to do in a next, stable, LD.

I’m getting much better at walking through walls now.

Has anyone else ever walked through other objects?

For example, I once had a dream where I was in a department store, and there were a lot of those circular racks of clothing. I wanted to get to the other side of the store, so I began walking through the clothing racks. The racks only went up to the height of my chest, so part of my body was walking through solid objects and the other part was normal.

I actually don’t walk through walls. I usually just walk up to the wall and will push my hand through and then create an opening. Then walk through.

I tried going through a wall (slowly, finger-hand-arm-and so on) this morning but failed . The wall was much “softer” than in my previous dreams though. When my finger touched the surface the wall sort of flexed a little…


All you have to do is believe that you can go through the wall. That is all that is holding you back. Next time just walk up to the wall and just push your hand through it. Expect your hand to go through it.

Who walked through the ground ? Or through steel ?

I once walked through the ground, sort of by accident. I saw a weird red light coming up from the ground, and I jumped down onto it. I went through the ground and ended up a few hundred miles away at my house. :cool:

If you are with other DCs, you could try this : enter in the ground, letting only your head out, and walk there. They will see only you head moving on the ground and it will be a good joke !

Yep you are right. It all has to do with belief.
You have to realise that the dream world is a not based on our usual physics.
Kinda like in the movie the “Matrix” …there is no spoon.

Yes or use a trick and imagine that your dream body has no real density like being empty and then u also can walk through a wall like a ray of light through a window :smile:

I never considered walking through walls might be a difficult thing to do while in a LD so i never had any trouble with it. Normally when I figure out im in a dream and im indoors it is the method i use to get outside, i just fly right through the wall. Sometimes when im flying high in the sky I also like to stop flying an allow myself to freefall to the ground (ill generally go right through it a couple of feet). Going through a mirror is also fun. Theres a strange noise when your head passes through. Like a “wooosh” :smile:

I havent had an LD yet so walking through walls is on my list of things to do, but I was wondering, is teleporting yourself easy in LDs? Becuase for those that find it really difficult walking through walls, couldn’t they try to teleport through instead? Just a thought.

Even you experienced LDers could give it a try and tell us how easy it is.

I’ve walked through mirrors, windows, walls and… trees :smile: If you breathe in while inside, you get a typical hard-to-describe feeling. Inside the tree, the air has a peculiar wooden flavour. Pretty awesome to experience really :smile:

Mystic :smile: so you have a smell lucid experience, nice!

I haven’t managed walking through anything or teleportation yet. I tried it once and ended up unintentionally teleporting my Nan’s cat to our house. I, though hadn’t moved anywhere :lol:

Lol whispa hahahaha :lmao:
Ever found your cat again after that :smile:

There are many ways to make changes in your dream,
sometimes i just say things like “beach” and then turn around and look
if iam at a beach :happy:
sometimes it works and sometimes not.
Or i close my eyes really short then say again something like " iam at the beach" then open them and often am there then.
Well so u can think of many ways :smile:

Walking through walls is easy just imagine you have no density :smile:
Or say it as a voice command…no density…and feel empty :happy: